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Greetings fellow Beer people!

I am endevouring to close transfer from my MM 30 ltr to keg using CO2.

I been attempting to use a bulkhead gas post mounted in the bung hole on the SS lid with an evermore elaborate series of washers, O-rings and gasket type arrangements. So far all attempts have failed to provide an adequate seal.

Has anyone solved this problem? If so how?

Many Thanks

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Thank you for the reply Chig. It looks like I may have solved the problem with a weldless bulkhead which has a female 1/2 inch facing up from the fermenter. I then have a male 1/2 inch to female 1/4 adapter which I can screw my gas post into.

As you say, I think the thread tape may be used extensively :)

I will report back if this works.

Got any pics of this setup bud?

Interested to see how it works. 


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