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Anybody out there got any of this or knows anywhere i can get some?

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HWC just got a ton of HB beers in. Not sure if the Maibock was amongst them. I'll pop in this afternoon or tomorrow and check for you.
Cheers me old china!
Anybody out there seen any of this....anyone?
Call Beer force,the importer. They will be able to tell you if they brought any in and then where it went if they did.

I love it too. When it is reasonably fresh it almost make me want to travel to Germany.
Cheers skipper, yeah i love it too, loved it when the Malthouse had it on tap a couple of years ago in proper 'crockwear' i lust after it every May and am generally dissapointed that it doesn't turn up...
yeh, what a crock!! 5/5 for appearance.
Peter Wenman is the beerforce rep I will give him a call and let you know today- how much you looking for?
Cheers mate, anything up to a dozen please
Fraid you are out of luck matey... Peter from Beerforce said there is none left. Worse yet.... they aint bringing in any next year as it was a poor mover for them.

Just come in for a pint of Fair Maiden to drown your sorrows... currently on tap to be followed by a cheeky wee keg of "The Habit"

But Fair Maiden is good. And Monk's is double plus good. Merry christmas!
Bugger! ah well thanks for the effort! I'll be in after work tomorrow for a swift half a lager shandy :0)
Actually i've just read the 'beer necessities survey' in the capital times and i might be in for a monteiths black.....yeah right!


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