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As a few of us have discussed this is an outstanding beer that definitely needs cloning...

Joe if you're out there somewhere still feel free to nudge us in the right direction, although we wouldn't begrudge you for wanting to keep such a top recipe under your hat...

Have at it!

Views: 3711

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36 is a bloody good score, congratulations.

Will be interested in your changes - I'm keen to brew this in the new year

Cheers, pretty stoked eh, was quite an exciting day on Saturday!

Yeah was a good day for it. Pretty good work on this one, having had it as part of the above case swap, worthy medaller.

shame i had to miss the after party though.

Hi, thanks for posting the recipe. I have just got my interpretation in the fermenter!

I hit an OG of 1.062 with a homebuilt Grainfather replica. Any ideas on why I fell short? Maybe mash temps?

I used the recipe to a 0.75 scale. Any feed back would be appreciated.


Nice - hope it goes well.

Could be a range of factors - what was your final volume?

If it was what was expected it could be your crush, I also always mash out to get the most out of my grains, if you went below 63 during mash it could impact your efficiency (I think the grain goes goopey below that) although I've never had any issues.

If you were over volume perhaps not a long or vigorous enough boil? I use a 70L pot so I have a lot of boil off due to the surface area, if you use a 30-50L pot I'd assume you'd get a couple of litres less boil off so want to button back your mash water accordingly.

To be honest I think the most this recipe has ever yielded me is about 18L, I lose a lot to trub so it could be if you hit your scaled volume bang on that it was too high - I've got a final version that I'll post up this week with amended figures.

Ok, so here's the recipe for my final revision - pretty happy with it now - took out second in a club night earlier in the year.

A few general notes if you're going to give this a crack:

  • I BIAB this - while I generally get the 23L into the fermentor I have a ton of trub so my yield into the keg is around 18-19L.
  • Make sure you do water additions and acidification (if required), with all these hops you want to make sure you make the most of them. I use ez water calculator, get your mash pH down to the bottom end of the recommended pH - I often aim a little below even. Get your SO4 to 180 or above & make sure your Ca is above 50, and Cl up between 50-100. If you're not into doing the calculations and your're in NZ you could probably wing it with the same additions as I've used without being too far out of the ball park.
  • Make sure you oxygenate heaps - I use a whisk & hit it three times - hoping to get an oxygen setup soon...
  • Make sure you re-hydrate your yeast - they'll need all the help they can get.
  • Make sure you've got good temperature control - there's a lot of sugar to ferment out so a lot of potential for unwanted byproducts if the temp gets away on you.

Good luck & if you brew be sure to post back with how it went, I'm now working on an NZ version of this using the same malt base but a combo of Brooklyn, Nelson Sauvin & Cascade.




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