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I've got 7.7kg (~1.071 OG) of Gladfields finest to turn into a summer hop-bomb, and I've never brewed with Mosaic before so I bought 300g of it to experiment with. I'm looking for a bit of feedback from the hop-heads about what to mix it with, I have 110g of Simcoe, 60g Citra and 200g Amarillo at my disposal. I'm on the fence trying to decide between just using about 2:1 Mosaic:Amarillo to give it a bit more fruityness, or adding a mix of all three of the others to add a bit more complexity. I'd like the Mosaic dominate, but I'm not going to use it all in this beer (ideally I'd have about 120g left over for a small Mosaic SMaSH). Thoughts?

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Freudian slip? You might mean palate. You might not.

Excuse me I'm a recovering pedant - Kevin.


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