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Looks like something I would have for breakfast...

OK... see if you guys can guess the style! There are a few clues on the photos that I intend to post.

Brew day went well, I widened my gap slightly as I only had 40% barley malt in this one. I predicted my effiency a bit lower because of this, however it ended up being 83%. i only used 4.5kg of fermentables and ended up with the following...

Vital Stats:

OG: 1052 (I predicted 1050, but my efficiency was up slightly on this one)
FG: 1011 (assuming I get 78% attenuation)
Colour: 6.9EBC
ABV: 5.3%
Bitterness: 19IBU

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Le Ingredients Especial

Dough in and protein rest. I planned to have a stuck mash today. It never eventuated - don't you hate it when things don't go to plan?

After the protein rest... an infusion to bring mash to saccrification temp.

First run still looks like porridge!

After 6liters of recirculation: don't look like she's gonna clear up much.

Le Sparge... Yes Stu, that is an $18 HLT from Te Ware Whare.

From the fly sparge to the (you heard it here first...) fly boil.

End of run... it looks so pretty...

Pre boil gravity: a bit higher than expected... will need to adjust 1st hop addition for bitter/sweet ballance. Wort looks pretty white.

Spent... like all my money to make this brew.

Troooooooooob. Looks like such a waste of yummy yummy hops.

"wlp001" ready to go for a swim...


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