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Long live session beer!

So, when is this going to be? I recall that Tom (AKA Dash 6) indicated he was keen to host this one. Tom, want to put a pin in the calendar for this?

A couple of us discussed the format and had a few ideas to improve it. How about this:

  • As per the inaugural event, all the entries are randomly numbered and decanted into jugs. This will allow us to go back to beers we tasted early on to re-compare them if need be. 
  • We simply pick our top three beers and give them 3, 2 and 1 points. The person with the most points wins. This will keep it simple to score and possibly make it a more positive affair (looking for the positive in a beer rather than focussing on faults). 

Does this sound like a plan? Fine the way it is? Other suggestions?

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Not sure if I'll be able to make it, and I definitely won't have an entry. Lots to do around planning for City of Ales so I'm struggling for time to do anything else.

Next time!

I need a challenge. Lets see if I can brew something a third of the usual abv :) 


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