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First off, a huge congrats to Damian, who took out top honors with the English Best Bitter.

And thanks to Maree for choosing an excellent style for our next competition: American Brown. (http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style10.php#1c)

We will meet up at Hallertau on Saturday, 25th May at 3:00 PM. Bring along your entry (or 2). Each entry is $10 with winner taking all. 3rd place chooses next style. 

Good luck to all homebrewers. As always, please let me know if you plan to enter so I can assure enough judging sheets are available. And volunteers for judging are welcome as well.


Views: 1355

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I just dry-hopped my entry today and it's tasting great! Looking forward to this one.

Hi Barbara

I would be keen to enter this but will be overseas when this is on, can and enter and somehow get my entry there .

Would be keen to get some feedback.on my brewing skills or lack off them .


I'll have an entry but unfortunately won't be able to make it on the day :(

Just bought my grain for this entry! will be brewing Saturday, 3 weeks in the keg before judging ;) not sure if it's long enough - but I'll try my luck. The Amarillo will be tasting fresh! Please put me down as an entrant Barb

I think we're in. We'll be bringing Buxom Brown along. 

Would it be acceptable to be Craig's stand-in too? I'm his neighbour and I'll bring his along, though he's yet to give me the ten bucks. 

Yep, no worries. 

Probably entering but will wait till I do a taste test :P

I vote for a new rule... if you chose the style, you'd better be either entering a beer or judging! ;P

Sure, sure...

I have an entry I'm just not bringing it along if it's a massive failure :P

A little birdy told me that we might be struggling for judges, as this coincides with Good Beer Week in Melbourne.

I can't be a judge because I think I might finally have brewed a beer good enough to win (there, I've jinxed myself!).

Not to worry - I have lined up Barry Hanna and John Golics so far. I could use one more so if anyone is interested, please let me know. 

I don't have an entry this time but I am really keen to have comments on my two latest brews: American Stout and "Dog-it-all" IPA

Hi Barbara,

  I've been a bit slack getting up to these however I,m willing & keen to judge if you need some help. Might just be what I need to get me back in the swing!


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