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Hi all,

With spring only a couple of months away it's time to start thinking about hop gardening. With the paucity of hop varieties available commercially to home gardeners, I'm keen to do some rhizome-swapping. So far I have 3 varieties: Cali, a mystery hop from a wild source in Wellington (smells a bit like Goldings?), plus another mystery variety from a wild source in Kapiti.
Keen to get hold of which ever varieties are out there - Danscade, Smoothcone, Sticklebract, Kortegast, Mystery German, wild varieties, whatever.

So if anyone has any spare rhizomes, or would like some of mine, it would be great to get a discussion going!


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Hey Al, I have some hops sprouting now that Joe kindly gave me. Would be more than happy to share. I live in Porirua.

Hey Thanks Edmund. I'll shoot you a PM.

Hey all, has anyone seen these hops for sale on Trade me?

They seem a little steep, but interesting none the less! I'm definitely tempted.

They're the variety used in Wigram's Kortegast Sparking Ale. I haven't had one for years, so I can't really remember the flavour profile, but you could try the beer before you buy the hops atleast.

Cheers for the advice Matt, I'll try and pick up a bottle.

Hi Joszef

Not sure if you are still interested in hops but here is a new supplier with Fuggle & Cascade



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