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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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What do you reckon best goes with it for a blonde sparkling ale? Cascade?

Try Sticklebracht or Pacific Jade, you might be surprised. Split them evenly all through except I reckon don't use the Sticklebracht at 60 mins. It will still be nice with it, but I think the high cumulohone shows throught so you get a little harshness. I will try 60/40 with Mot the greater at some stage.

Hells yea on the Pacific Jade! Ever try the Liberty Pacfic Jade Blonde? was an awesome beer. PJ is so much more than just a bittering :D

I'll have to have a dig around to see what's in the freezer!

Cascade is good, so is Pacifica, a touch of Sauvin is nice too

I saw this: http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f78/gunslingers-graff-147726/

and realised 5 mins ago, i hade black rock miners stout can. Dark Unhopped LME Can. Apple Juice. 20L Batch

http://www.blackrock.co.nz/brew-kits/item/25-miners-stout for ther ingredients in the kit.

Very Loose Interpretation of this, I'm just trying to nail my process... using 9-10 litres of fresh-up apple juice (its 100% don't worry) probably 10, given its 20litre batch, 50/50 mix of wort and juice.

Boiled water, should i do an extract based recipe,as i have some hops than can be used up.

i.e 30-60 min boil with a small bittering, and FO addition, add the kit can after the boil, to avoid changes in the IBU of the kit can itself, i've heard this can change if you boil it, and use the unhopped can in the boil.

alternatively, i could boil enough water for the batch and chuck it in the fermenter and dissolved the extract, add some apple juice, and throw in 30gms of hops , my yeast, and leave it for 3 weeksish


What do people think I should do?


I am looking to scratch a Belgian itch and are considering a Belgian Stout and would welcome any feedback.

Est Original Gravity: 1.066 SG

Est Final Gravity: 1.014 SG

Mash temp 67Deg C

Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6.9 %

Bitterness: 46.6 IBUs

Est Color: 61.7 SRM

Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM)



64.5 %

Carafa Special III (Weyermann) (470.0 SRM)



7.0 %

Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM)



7.0 %

Munich II (Weyermann) (8.5 SRM)



6.0 %

Special B (Dingemans) (147.5 SRM)



5.0 %

Aromatic Malt (Dingemans) (19.0 SRM)



3.0 %

Caramunich II (Weyermann) (63.0 SRM)



3.0 %

Candi Sugar, Dark (275.0 SRM)



4.5 %

Nelson Sauvin [12.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min



46.6 IBUs

Belgian Ardennes (Wyeast Labs #3522)





Its a bit of Black scabular dubbel meets Paddy.  Does anyone have any recipes to share they may have tried?

A good time to do one of these John - plenty of time to condition and mellow over summer and be ready for next winter.

I had a go at one earlier this year and its only just settling down now - it scored middlingly in the NHC but I'm liking it with its roast molasses and spice flavours. I'd just say watch your bitteness as the roast flavour, the yeast phenols and spice and too many IBUs could make it all too much.  Here's my recipe

Cheers mate.

Wasn't sure to go for bitterness of a stout or belgian or something in between. Will drop me bitterness.

Looking at doing a SMaSH beer with Sauvin, just so I can get to know the flavour better.

Was thinking something like this.

Batch size: 20ish L (still working out my brewery's efficiency)
5kg MO
10g @60
30g @15
10g @5

US-05 yeast
Est ABV: 5%
Est IBU: 39

Looking for something nice and quaffable to put into some of the 60-odd quart bottles I just got given.

Would love some advice though!

Looks good... personally I'd probably up the @5min to 30gm and add another 40 @0 mins.

Then I'd probably dry hop with another 100gm for a week or so.

That'd be seriously Sauviny! ;p Would be good for really getting a grip on the flavour, but that much late NS will probably be a little overpowering (for my tastes anyway..) 


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