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Does anyone know how the hop blend Zythos is pronounced? From the Greek version of the Egyptian word for beer. Not that it really matters, but it's really been bugging me. The internet hasn't been able to provide me with a pronunciation guide.

I've heard both zith-OSS and ZY-thoss, and figure zith-OHZE and ZY-thoze could also be possibilities. Anyone actually know the correct way to say it?

Thanks in advance.

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Going by the way the Greeks pronounce Mythos, I would say zee-thoss.

Which reminds me of the time I went into a Greek bar, and (after establishing that she spoke English) I asked the girl what beers they had, she replied "We have ALL beers" (my heart leaped) and she continued "Amstel AND Mythos".

Thanks Smiffy, that's definitely sound reasoning!


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