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The NZ Pale Ale competition was cool wasn't it? 17 beers judged in 2.5 hours was great fun. Thanks to DEATH for hosting us once again: your hospitality knows no bounds. Extra thanks goes out to SLAUGHTER and FAMINE for assisting in the officiating.


Down to business time - and for the 2nd session in a row Hamish (aka Haish) took this competition with a stunning little 1.048 NZ Pale Ale. The beer was awesome - I could go on about it, but for risking some head inflamation... I shall just say good work.


Oh... and you're banned from the WBC from now on.


Just JoKing.


Anyhow... the 3rd place getter was Brent Westein and he has chosen Golden Ale to brew for our Summer Session. Good on you Brent - your entry brewed with NZ Cascade tasted pretty much JUST like Epic Pale Ale. A mean feat when this hop can be so fiddly to use.


Below are the Judging guidelines from the Brewers Association guidelines for Golden Ales.


Happy Brewing.


Golden or Blonde Ale

Golden or Blonde ales are straw to golden blonde in color. They have a crisp, dry palate, light to medium body, and light malt

sweetness. Low to medium hop aroma may be present but does not dominate. Bitterness is low to medium. Fruity esters may be

perceived but do not predominate. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Chill haze should be absent.

Original Gravity (ºPlato)

1.045-1.056 (11-13.8 ºPlato) ● Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (ºPlato) 1.008-1.016 (2-4 ºPlato) ●

Alcohol by Weight (Volume)

3.2-4% (4-5%) ● Bitterness (IBU) 15-25 ● Color SRM (EBC) 3-7 (6-14 EBC)


Views: 686

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gutted i missed out too busy. keen for the golden comp

I changed the year to 2012 as I had 2011 posted before.


Sorry for any confusion.

Bottled this on the weekend. 23lt of golden liquid joy!!!

Okay. I have mine done. How many others do we expect for this? I had Hallertau reserve the big room from 3PM but we need to be moved out by 6 for another party. Should not be too much of an issue.

I am happy to steward. Do we have judges lined up?


Gidday Barbera...


If we start the judging at 3, then 6pm out shouldn't be an issue...


As far as Judges go, so far I have Albrecht lined up. I'll make a few calls today to see who else can make it... I wont be able to this time unfortunately.

I'm ragequitting because I never win. ;)

No, seriously, I wish I could be there this time, but will be down in Chch doing the SOBA thing at the Great Kiwi Beer Festival. In spirit, I'll be drinking with you guys!

I'll be there :)

What time do entries need to be in by? 3pm?

Yep - 3pm this time around.



Sadly I'm not going to be there this time. My beer isn't quite ready, plus I have my son getting back from school camp on Friday night so I need to do some family time over the weekend.

Next time I shall win!

Maybe I should enter, looks like there might only be about 3 people in so I might actually have a chance!! Missing some Hallertau love so need to get back up there....

Would be great to see you Andrew, it has been a while.

I will enter my beer but it's crap. Need help identifying the problem. At least I get to drink some Hallertau beer. See you there.


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