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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Sure, I'll let you know how it goes (or lasts)
24 hours on gas and it's good. Smoother, quicker, than the Windsor, very quaffable. And yes Michael, there's a bottle put aside for the North Welly panel

How do you rate the Windsor in general jt? I've got a couple of packs in the fridge to use up shortly. Thinking of using it for a Booky type ale, possibly a Southern Brown Ale. Reckon it would suit those styles?

I've not enjoyed my beers with SO4, never tamed it as some others have done so Windsors my alternative to '05 for dried yeast. Finishes higher, better body for the smaller beers than Nottingham.
So for the Booky or southerm brown it'd be great. The recent comments I've read all seem to agree that it just needs a little conditioning time though, it can taste a bit rough to start with.
I've had it finish high, only attenuate 60% or so, so be prepared to give that Booky type a good measure of hops, especally the late ones.

Cheers jt, I'll have to get a few bottles your way when I've brewed them. I enjoyed my Booky clone with 04 a year or so ago but just lately anything 04 touches just turns to shit!

Maybe catch up for a comparative taste sometime Jacko ?
Sounds good jt, be a while off tasting the Windsor beers but hope to brew them soon.

Had a massive brew day yesterday.

Did a rebrew (with tweaks) of an IPA i did about a year ago. Mostly pale with big chunk of munich, and a bit of pale and dark crystal. WHole bunch of hops, some Northern brewer, cascades, willamette and fuggles. Will dump some more in for dry hopping ina  few days. at about 75 IBU (rager).

I did a Mead for the first time.  Guess we'll see how that goes.

Did a Cyser to see what thats all about.

Did a cider as i already had that going for the cyser.

7 hours later.... sore old man back.

Just bottled my MashUp (bought the all grain kit from Liberty Brewing). I brewed it just after Christmas, but due to time contraints (holiday, moving house, etc) I had to dry hop it in the primary (4 days after pitching yeast). It then sat with the hops in it until today. Tastes good, and smells good, so I think it's fine even though the dry hopping went on for a bit.

I brewed this one with my new Rubbermaid mash tun. Got poor efficiency, and had trouble with my burner so didn't boil enough off. Ended up with 26L of wort with an OG of 1036. I bumped this up to 1045 using some DME.

Well I have managed a second ships brew, a chocolate coffee oatmeal stout.

coopers dry stout kit

1.5 kg dark liquid malt

500 gm Melandione malt

80 gm choc malt

800gm toasted oatmeal

3 weetbix

crushed cornflakes

Mashed @ 65C for 40mins

Boil for 40mins added 15gm EKG added expresso coffee and cocoa and milo mix at end of boil

O.G 1083 that should really read OMG 1083

Yeah its gonna be strong as MrT but a tad malty. pitched Coopers 7gm yeast with a pack of 04 rehydrated with dextrose so hoping for a vigourous ferment, seems to have a nice if not malty balance, but beggers cant be choosers out here on the high seas, would have like to add another 2-3 litres of water but need the head space with the ships pitch and roll.

Riding around Makara for the last few years and witnessing the battle with the barberry by the council and when helping out with track building, i thought if you can't beat it, eat it. So I made a jam with them and it turned out alright. This year beer.

Makara Peak Barberry Beer (15ltr batch)

1.75 kg Wheat

1.75 kg Pale

0.2 Chocolate Wheat

10g Motueka @ 60min

10g Cascade @ 60min

10g Motueka @ 1min

10g Cascade @ 1min

Wyeast Bavarian Wheat (3638)

1 litre of Barberry plup in fermentor.

Just bottled, the colour is a deep cloudy purple, the aroma is great, dark sweet barberry/plum/currant notes. Taste is interesting, a bit to hoppy for style but hidden moments of barberry arise now and again.

Looking forward to trying it after a bit of conditioning.

After the LCPA in Aussie, a big (for me) Pale Ale.
70% golden promise
25% Munich I
5% Caramalt

Goldings to bitter and cascade and a bit of Goldings later
1042 and 35 IBU with 05

Not intended as a clone, my hops will be way out, but there's more to that beer than the hops, it's got a great malt base and I hope I can do it justice in my lower gravity

Cheers, jt


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