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So I have this Muntons IPA Bitter I won a couple months back which is annoying me, and I want to get rid of it. So I'm thinking something like this, using ingredients I have on me:

1.8kg Muntons IPA Bitter
1.8kg Amber LME (@ boil off)
250g Crystal 75L
28g Styrian Golding @ 15
57g Stryian Golding @ 1min
Safale S-04

Which would give me around 30 IBU with an OG of 1.052. But if anyone else can add to that, I have Saaz, Pacific Gem, NZ Hallertau & Cascade (freebie, no idea what it is, from Harringtons Brewery). Along with roasted barley, black patent and chocolate malt and two packets of SafAle S-05. So if you can come up with something more interesting, go for it. The water's heating up now...

Okay, never mind, went with the above, *fingers crossed*.

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I'd decrease the volume a bit to ramp up the OG to over 1065, i'd also put your 57g goldings in with 15mins to go and add in two more additions of cascade with 10mins (30g) and 5mins (30g) to go then i'd dump a whole lot of cascade in the barrel to dry hop (100g)....Now that's an IPA!
Awww, if only I hadn't been so impatient. Your recipe looks so much better, could I still get away with dry hopping (90g) with the cascade?
Absolutely, just dump it in the barrel after a day and your beer will smell great!
I'd dumpt them in when fermentation subsides. If you put them in a stocking (boil it first), you will have less hop particles in your finished beer and your beer will have just the right hint of femininity.

ps. I like your pirate pic. I've noticed it is the look in pornography right now. Pirate porn posters are all over the entrances to the adult stores in Wellington's Cuba Street (actually my girlfriend pointed it out to me on the way to see The Breeders the other night - no breeders jokes please JT, I've already heard them all!).
I was planning on racking to secondary (carboy) in two weeks once the lager is out and bottled; then just dumping the hops in there as is and leaving it to dry-hop for at least two-three weeks before bottling. I was intially a little skeptical about liking that amount of dry-hops, then I remebered drinking Wigram beer and loving it (once I got used to it!). Anyway, thanks both for the advice :)
P.S - I didn't think of the pirate/porno link to be honest, if only...
imagine your pic on top of kempicus'
You been hanging in Cuba Street again Ed?
peaches and cream peaches and cream


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