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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Sweet Stout


based on "Brewing Classic Styles" recipe


12L batch


2.62kg Gladfield ale malt

260g Bairds roasted barley

200g Weyermann caramunich II

70g Bairds Chocolate malt

260g Lactose





Boiling now.  Smelling good

First brew since about Boxing Day, just a bit of a play around to get started again. Any suggestions on hopping?

% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
90.5 4.75 kg.  Pilsner New Zealand 1.03700 0
4.8 0.25 kg.  Crystal 20L America 1.03500 20
2.9 0.15 kg.  Crystal 90L America 1.03300 90
1.5 0.08 kg.  Pale Chocolate    1.03000 189
0.4 0.02 kg.  Chocolate Wheat Malt Germany 1.03281 400

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
30.00 g.  Styrian Goldings Whole 5.25 22.4 60 min
30.00 g.  Styrian Goldings Whole 5.25 11.4 30 min
30.00 g.  Czech Saaz Whole 3.50 4.0 15 min
20.00 g.  NZ Hallertau Pellet 6.50 5.4 15 min
20.00 g.  Czech Saaz Whole 3.50 0.0

0 min

Good to see you back on the horse!

What yeast are you going to use?



Been meaning to get back on the horse for months, but other commitments have kept me away.

I just used S-04, with an SG of 1.047.


Made a harvest IPA today with featuring wet Sauvin with a background of american hops. The wort was tasting and looking most delicious, about 1.07, 9 SRM and absolutely no idea on the IBU, I was just chucking in handfuls of fresh hops every now and then throughout the boil, haha. Maybe around 70? Smells awesome anyway. Can't wait for this one to be ready.
Wet Sauvin hops?
Where did you get those?
Uh, I didn't realise it was a big deal... I'll just check with my very generous source to make sure no one's going to lose their job over it or something... Then I'll get back to you :)
No big deal mate. Just jealous.
I got them Jo.


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