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Timothy Taylor Landlord Style brew

Well, I've been reading heaps of home brewing blogs online - and decided to start one of my own. I always check online to see how people are going with their brewing especially in regards to styles that I'm keen on brewing myself as well as checking to see how the different yeast strains are imparting their flavours to their brews.

I've been brewing all grain for a few years now - to varying degrees of sucess. When I started, my first brew was an Aventinus clone - 8kg of malt in a bucket in a bucket system with about 150 2mm holes drilled in the bottom: 4kg of wheat. I mashed in a square chillybin and transfered into the lauter tun. I got to about 2 Liters of wort in the kettle when the lauter became stuck.

One thing is for sure. My brewing could only get better from here. The rest of the brew took about 8 hours or something - and the beer actually turned out good. I used one sachet of k-97 in a 1082 wort: and funilly enough got heaps of banana and clove... this never happened for me with this strain again.

The reason I'm digging up the past is because I had that same feeling of uselessness when I was collecting my wort this morning for my 1st attempt at a Landlord Pale Ale clone.

I have to be honest. I thought that this would be a simple brew day - this is by far the lowest gravity beer that I have ever brewed. The estimated preboil gravity was 1.035. The recipe couldn't be more simple. 3.7kg Golden Promise, some hops to make 35 IBU and a bit of caramel for colour. No worries aye?

Well, I made the invert sugar (caramel/toffee) myself. I covered 300g of sugar in water, added a pinch of citric acid and boiled at 135degrees until it went red added water back in to make a syrup. I did this 3 days ago just to help ease the brew day. I mashed in and got 67degrees straight off - a good omen (calculations are correct) with 10mins to go in the mash, I decided to give my Dad a phone call to see how the haymaking went. 20mins later - my mash had been down for 80mins and had dropped to 63degrees. I started the pump and recirculated 'till the wort came clear. The ph was still 5.5 so I was still happy. I collected 3Litres of wort to reduce on the stove down to 1Litre. Then I started the transfer to the kettle started pumping the sparge water. All was going well. The Pot was reducing well - and the sparge inflow / outflow was even steven. I get to like 21 Litres in the kettle, and notice a freekin' earwig, earwig shit, eggs, mould in the site glass! This pissed me off a bit, because I know the wort wont boil in site glass - and the risk for infection was quite real. I dont have a valve on the site glass - so I couldn't just take it off and clean it.

I had to finish the sparge, otherwise the it would get too cold, the ph was still 5.5 so I went to go and check on the reduction. Talk about foam - there must have been 8 litres of foam, in the pot - just about ready to spill everywhere. Lucky I checked it. Once the main collection was complete - I checked the end run gravity: 1.008. Still having a lucky day. I started taking the siteglass off - but wort was leaking out making my fingers slippery. I was starting to get annoyed. I needed to rethink my strategy. What I ended up having to do, was transfer all the wort from the kettle into the HLT. This was done - but not with ease: my broken finger was getting caught on all sorts of shit. I took the glass out and murdered the damned earwig. I didn't fancy the flavour it might lend to my brew. It was damn hard doing all that with my broken finger - anyway, I did it and transferred back into my kettle.

I put the reduction back into the kettle as well as the caramel. Pre boil garvity check time. 1.043?!?!? Now I have to add 2Litres of water to the kettle to find my estimated preboil gravity. Done - 29Litres of wort. 1.035. I'm now 30mins into a 2hour boil - and the smell coming from the brewery is great. Plenty of malt, and a wee bit of caramel. Fingers crossed the rest of the brew goes better than it did this morning.

Thanks a million to Revilled for trading some WyEast 1469 with my house strain: wlp001. It was because of the trade that I was inspired to brew a special bitter. I'll be saving some beer for you mate. And Martin - I hope you are still keen to have a taste of this brew: even if there is a risk of having some earwig in the boil!


Views: 763

Comment by JoKing on January 11, 2009 at 6:30pm

The final result - some nice clear wort in the glass for testing and some WyEast 1469 ready to innoculate the wort. I'm pretty happy with the colour - it looks like there is some crystal malt in there - but the grist is 100% Golden Promise.
Comment by NVIOUS on January 12, 2009 at 2:58pm
Looks pretty good chap. Think I can see a few legs in it tho!!
Comment by JoKing on January 19, 2009 at 12:53pm
Well, even though the yeast is behaving badly - the Landlord is tasting pretty good. I have been performing sensory analysis out of the fermenter over the last few days. This afternoon, the diacetyl has been consumed by this ever voracious yeast strain. The yeast refuses to come down from the top! The brew has been sitting at 1.012 for 3-4 days now, but every time I rouse the fermenter - these massive clumps of yeast fall to the bottom. About 2 hours later, there is krausen spewing out of the airlock again! Me and the Landlord have played this game 3 times now!

Yesterday it was tasting "unclean": the Styrian Golding flavour which has ailed my previous brews still had this "dirty / muddy" flavour to it. It made the brew taste like it had oxidised - which I must add is impossible. I had a bit of a panic, but told myself that its only 7 days young. There was some butterscotch in it. And it was "thin"

This aftenoon, I'm relieved to note the the butterscotch has been replaced by a "orange candy" type of flavour. It seems to be develpoing well - nice fruit thanks to the warmer ferment temps I think. Previous Bitters I have brewed, I've been less than impressed with and I blame too cool a ferment temp for the unsatisfying results. I'm talking about clean malt and hops with no fruit in there - at all. This time round the TTL seems to defy the common JoKing Bitter fault.

So far, I'm happy.
Comment by Reviled on January 19, 2009 at 1:10pm
1469 pretty much wont drop out untill you cold condition it, I had one brew that was done after 4 fermenting after 4 days, and still at full krausen after 14 days?!?! Go figure, but drop it down to 1*c and it will fall out, or you could just top crop it all and save it for your next brew :o)
Comment by JoKing on January 19, 2009 at 1:34pm
I figured that would have to be the case. I'll wait another week to see how it goes - CCing isn't really part of the typical English schedule and I'm so keen to have a close to CAMRA an ale as possible!

Snobby aye?!?!
Comment by Reviled on January 19, 2009 at 1:36pm
Tell me about it, bloody beer snob :oP haha
Comment by JoKing on January 27, 2009 at 10:05am
Delete Comment I bottled this brew last night - yes you heard correct... BOTTLED. I did have a spare keg - but I have kegged all my English Pales lately with mediocre results. An interesting thing to note, is I had kegged one batch a fortnight before Christmas, and proceeded to bottle it a fortnight later. We drank 14 litres at Christmas and saved the remainder as bottles for a little bit longer. The bottled stuff was different - and better. Dont ask me why.

Anyway - the TTL still has a lot of conditioning to do. I could drink a pint last night, but it was hard work. The nose is great - smells caramelly with orange peel. The taste is still really earthy - not to my liking. As with most hop flavours, I am assuming that it will fade / meld in time, so a month in the bottle will hopefully bring out some more appealing qualities. I'm starting to think that using Amarillo would have been a better idea. But I am biased. I do like US Hops. Lots. I like them better than English hops. They are different though. English hops are nice too. Just different.
Comment by JoKing on January 28, 2009 at 7:22pm

Had a pint the other night - natural condition and all... no carbonation looks pretty good though.
Comment by JoKing on February 2, 2009 at 9:14pm
So I had a pint last night. It seems Ok. Caramael on the nose.. a bit of orange candy. I'm gettig a bit of Acetyldehyde too. I think it's from the priming sugar. Taste is still quite green - it's the most "Pale Ale" tasting english beers I've done in recent times. I think the fermentation temps have been the crucial factor in this style. 22 degrees is normally high for me, but it has really brought some fruitiness to this Ale.

What is striking is the mouthfeel. It finished around 1012, so I'm getting a bit of body. It is quite full, feels like warm jelly on the palate. It's great... all the good English beers I've drunk feel like this. It is quite minerally too - not OTT though. The gypsum has done its job in accentuating the bitterness. There is some pleasing tingling on the tongue long after the mouthfull has been supped.

All in all, I'm prepared to call this one a success. I don't know how much it tastes like TTL, but it is still nice. The yeast character has come up trumps. Much nicer than wlp002 in my best opinion.
Comment by Bambule on February 11, 2009 at 1:11pm
Just bought my first sack of Golden Promise, and tasted my first bottle of landlord. I don't usually go for clones, but this looks tempting.


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