Well figured it was about time I put up a pictorial of my brew day, this is how I do BIAB at the moment, ive made many tweaks to the process over time and I can get higher efficiencys doing it another way, however I find this is the best way to get consistent results across varied grain bill sizes, meaning I only lose about 3-5% if im doing a big 7kg batch! So to start out - I weigh out the grain, which is normally done with the hops a couple of days before i brew in anticipation :o) …
Added by Reviled on July 23, 2009 at 10:01am —
Has anyone here brewed a beer using Rye? I just bought a 1kg bag of the stuff the other day. I guessing it might be good for a Saison? I'm told it gives a dry, spicy finish. Is this true?
Added by cerevisia on July 19, 2009 at 9:28pm —
After several month's planning and research brewday finally arrived on Saturday 18th July. The Grain Mill is finished (well usable, so it's finished), the Grain Bag sewn up and all of the ingredients gathered so I couldn't put it off any longer.
The 56 litre mash tun/lauter tun/brew-pot all ready to go.
The grill in place to keep the BIAB bag off the base of the vessel.…
Added by Pilgrim on July 19, 2009 at 7:07pm —
In the space of a week I have gone from Bag and Pot (BIAB) to a conventional set up. I've added a new Mashtun made from a 38L plastic fermenter covered with expanding foam ala Joking. Also fitted all the various valves and fittings, purchased a pump, a mill and a 40L 3kw electric Urn for HLT, and converted my copper chiller into a whirlpool chiller. Phew! Anyways, I waited patiently until everything was in place before attempting a brew. I decided to use up a load of crushed grain and came up…
Added by studio1 on July 15, 2009 at 9:44am —
This series of videos explains the story behind the origins of Epic Armageddon
The West Coast IPA Challenge, the reasons for putting
Epic Armageddon I.P.A. into
oak barrels, naming them Pete & Melissa before putting them…
Added by nzbrewer on July 14, 2009 at 9:43pm —
Dear Tim
Re: Recession Bites Grog Sales – Sunday Star Times 28th June, 2009
I was surprised to read this article which does give the point of view
of the large brewers in this country and the commodity they sell
called beer. It is easy for consumers of this type of product to trade
down in…
Added by nzbrewer on July 12, 2009 at 9:43am —
1 Comment
The following was Twittered live yesterday afternoon via http://twitter.com/epicbeer Doing a brewers pre-judging for beer awards via BeerNZ, out of thes beers, medal winners would be Tuatara Helles and Invercargill Biman
Out of this round I would medal the Twisted Hop Sauvin Pilsner and Invercargill Stanley Green
Only medal from me in this round Mussel Inn Captain Cooker…
Added by nzbrewer on July 9, 2009 at 8:30am —
Over the weekend I added 4 new strains to my yeast library. First of all, a big thanks to Reviled for donating the strains, I'll drop your frozen vials off tomorrow :) Strains were wyeast 1026, 1084, 1469 and 1728. I have the good fortune to have access to a lab at work so all the gear I need is at my fingertips. I am also pretty familiar with sterile techniques and have experience playing around with yeast in a laboratory setting. Messy lab bench, but its sterile... …
Added by Haish on July 6, 2009 at 10:30pm —
I thought I’d drop a blog on here outlining our first brew in the new brewery – thanks to Barry for advice on the use of hot water cylinders – we’re stoked with the results! The brew went really well on Sunday, considering that the brewery has been completely reworked so we were starting with a brand new (to us) setup that hadn’t yet been calibrated! I’ll be adding sight-glasses to the vessels before the next brew, so hopefully that will make things a bit easier. For the sake of explanation,…
Added by vdog on July 6, 2009 at 11:00am —
Thought I'd add a blog. You've probably seen this all before but thought I'd throw up some photos of how my brewday goes.
Recipe for anyone that's interested.
Rig set up, HLT filled (right-hand vessel), thermostat set.
Measuring out grain, trusty Briscoes scales.
Grain measured out,…
Added by denimglen on July 3, 2009 at 4:30pm —