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OK Then.


So once again - thanks to the kind folks at Hallertau for hosting this event. The Saison competition was a great success. And congrats to Brett (DoubleHoppy) for taking this competition out on his first showing. A truly deserved win considering his absolute display of generosity with sharing some bottles of Westvleterin 12 which was better than I anticipated.


Thanks to everybody who entered especially the 'Tron contingent - you guys are helping make this event to be as fun as successful as it is - and massive thanks to Greigs lovely wife Alex for transporting this rowdy crew to and from: you are a legend.


Now to the style and date - I've pulled it a week forward from our regular slot due to work and family commitments... I trust that this is OK. It was said that the style should be "English Brown Ale" so there are 3 beers that fall into this category under the BJCP guidelines: 11A Mild, 11B Southern English Brown and 11C Northern English Brown. Many brewers faces lit up when this category was selected - so get your skates on and brew the hell out of this style: A am sure that competition will be fierce.




11A. Mild

Aroma: Low to moderate malt aroma, and may have some fruitiness. The malt expression can take on a wide range of character, which can include caramelly, grainy, toasted, nutty, chocolate, or lightly roasted. Little to no hop aroma. Very low to no diacetyl.

Appearance: Copper to dark brown or mahogany color. A few paler examples (medium amber to light brown) exist. Generally clear, although is traditionally unfiltered. Low to moderate off-white to tan head. Retention may be poor due to low carbonation, adjunct use and low gravity.

Flavor: Generally a malty beer, although may have a very wide range of malt- and yeast-based flavors (e.g., malty, sweet, caramel, toffee, toast, nutty, chocolate, coffee, roast, vinous, fruit, licorice, molasses, plum, raisin). Can finish sweet or dry. Versions with darker malts may have a dry, roasted finish. Low to moderate bitterness, enough to provide some balance but not enough to overpower the malt. Fruity esters moderate to none. Diacetyl and hop flavor low to none.

Mouthfeel: Light to medium body. Generally low to medium-low carbonation. Roast-based versions may have a light astringency. Sweeter versions may seem to have a rather full mouthfeel for the gravity.

Overall Impression: A light-flavored, malt-accented beer that is readily suited to drinking in quantity. Refreshing, yet flavorful. Some versions may seem like lower gravity brown porters.

Comments: Most are low-gravity session beers in the range 3.1-3.8%, although some versions may be made in the stronger (4%+) range for export, festivals, seasonal and/or special occasions. Generally served on cask; session-strength bottled versions don’t often travel well. A wide range of interpretations are possible.

History: May have evolved as one of the elements of early porters. In modern terms, the name “mild” refers to the relative lack of hop bitterness (i.e., less hoppy than a pale ale, and not so strong). Originally, the “mildness” may have referred to the fact that this beer was young and did not yet have the moderate sourness that aged batches had. Somewhat rare in England, good versions may still be found in the Midlands around Birmingham.

Ingredients: Pale English base malts (often fairly dextrinous), crystal and darker malts should comprise the grist. May use sugar adjuncts. English hop varieties would be most suitable, though their character is muted. Characterful English ale yeast.

Vital Statistics: OG: 1.030 – 1.038
IBUs: 10 – 25 FG: 1.008 – 1.013
SRM: 12 – 25 ABV: 2.8 – 4.5%

Commercial Examples: Moorhouse Black Cat, Gale’s Festival Mild, Theakston Traditional Mild, Highgate Mild, Sainsbury Mild, Brain’s Dark, Banks's Mild, Coach House Gunpowder Strong Mild, Woodforde’s Mardler’s Mild, Greene King XX Mild, Motor City Brewing Ghettoblaster

11B. Southern English Brown

Aroma: Malty-sweet, often with a rich, caramel or toffee-like character. Moderately fruity, often with notes of dark fruits such as plums and/or raisins. Very low to no hop aroma. No diacetyl.

Appearance: Light to dark brown, and can be almost black. Nearly opaque, although should be relatively clear if visible. Low to moderate off-white to tan head.

Flavor: Deep, caramel- or toffee-like malty sweetness on the palate and lasting into the finish. Hints of biscuit and coffee are common. May have a moderate dark fruit complexity. Low hop bitterness. Hop flavor is low to non-existent. Little or no perceivable roasty or bitter black malt flavor. Moderately sweet finish with a smooth, malty aftertaste. Low to no diacetyl.

Mouthfeel: Medium body, but the residual sweetness may give a heavier impression. Low to moderately low carbonation. Quite creamy and smooth in texture, particularly for its gravity.

Overall Impression: A luscious, malt-oriented brown ale, with a caramel, dark fruit complexity of malt flavor. May seem somewhat like a smaller version of a sweet stout or a sweet version of a dark mild.

Comments: Increasingly rare; Mann’s has over 90% market share in Britain. Some consider it a bottled version of dark mild, but this style is sweeter than virtually all modern examples of mild.

History: English brown ales are generally split into sub-styles along geographic lines. Southern English (or “London-style”) brown ales are darker, sweeter, and lower gravity than their Northern cousins. Developed as a bottled product in the early 20th century out of a reaction against vinous vatted porter and often unpalatable mild. Well suited to London’s water supply.

Ingredients: English pale ale malt as a base with a healthy proportion of darker caramel malts and often some roasted (black) malt and wheat malt. Moderate to high carbonate water would appropriately balance the dark malt acidity. English hop varieties are most authentic, though with low flavor and bitterness almost any type could be used.

Vital Statistics: OG: 1.033 – 1.042
IBUs: 12 – 20 FG: 1.011 – 1.014
SRM: 19 – 35 ABV: 2.8 – 4.1%

Commercial Examples: Mann's Brown Ale (bottled, but not available in the US), Harvey’s Nut Brown Ale, Woodeforde’s Norfolk Nog

11C. Northern English Brown

Aroma: Light, sweet malt aroma with toffee, nutty and/or caramel notes. A light but appealing fresh hop aroma (UK varieties) may also be noticed. A light fruity ester aroma may be evident in these beers, but should not dominate. Very low to no diacetyl.

Appearance: Dark amber to reddish-brown color. Clear. Low to moderate off-white to light tan head.

Flavor: Gentle to moderate malt sweetness, with a nutty, lightly caramelly character and a medium-dry to dry finish. Malt may also have a toasted, biscuity, or toffee-like character. Medium to medium-low bitterness. Malt-hop balance is nearly even, with hop flavor low to none (UK varieties). Some fruity esters can be present; low diacetyl (especially butterscotch) is optional but acceptable.

Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium body. Medium to medium-high carbonation.

Overall Impression: Drier and more hop-oriented that southern English brown ale, with a nutty character rather than caramel.

Comments: English brown ales are generally split into sub-styles along geographic lines.

Ingredients: English mild ale or pale ale malt base with caramel malts. May also have small amounts darker malts (e.g., chocolate) to provide color and the nutty character. English hop varieties are most authentic. Moderate carbonate water.

Vital Statistics: OG: 1.040 – 1.052
IBUs: 20 – 30 FG: 1.008 – 1.013
SRM: 12 – 22 ABV: 4.2 – 5.4%

Commercial Examples: Newcastle Brown Ale, Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale, Riggwelter Yorkshire Ale, Wychwood Hobgoblin, Tröegs Rugged Trail Ale, Alesmith Nautical Nut Brown Ale, Avery Ellie’s Brown Ale, Goose Island Nut Brown Ale, Samuel Adams Brown Ale

Views: 190

Replies to This Discussion

So all 3 sub-categories are allowed? Hmm, this could be interesting...
Good. Don't really want to brew that Northern shite! ;) Martin: Mild vs Mild? With Barry too? I fear for my chances with yours yesterday. That was just a stunner. Also, Joseph... Alexis? Who is that? :)
Bring it on brother. I was already planning to brew Mild for May, so I think that's what I'm going to do. Might brew a nice Northern Brown too.

Isn't Alexis your glamorous (and extremely tolerant) missus?
Alexandra is said missus. Not sure who this Alexis lass is. Sounds hawt. ;)
Sorry about that Greig - still a bit groggy this morning. Give Alex my best though - she's a star.

And yeah - I reckon all 3 sub categories. It should give plenty of scope for different entrants.
Not really my favourite styles, but should make for a pretty good WBC.. I actually found about 5 glass 750ml bottles of a Mild I brewed about a year ago, im going to drink one tonight and if its half decent will just enter that.. If not, will have to do some kind of brown ale with 1469 and EKG/Fuggles
I am really excited about the style. I wonder, though, how young can the brew be in order to taste OK? The problem is that I will lose my kitchen tomorrow (they are moving the house 10m away from a slip on our land... long boring story). Now, the builder promised that I would have it back in 6 weeks. Not sure I believe him but worst case, I can always use the BBQ. So 6 weeks = end of April. Then 2 weeks fermenting plus 2 weeks in bottle = 22May.

I need opinions, please. Brew this month on the BBQ to let the bottles age? Blood sacrifice to the gods to assure I have my kitchen back on time?
I'd go with the blood sacrifice. Just because.

I don't think age has any particular impacts on this style. If anything I'd lean towards a little bit of age, as that might soften any hoppiness and roastiness, but I don't think it's a big deal.

So, no advice at all from me. How does that sound?
I'd wait the 6 weeks. 2 weeks in the fermenter followed by two weeks in the bottle sounds fine to me. You could even brew to the smaller end of the style just be be on the safe side.

However... On the "off chance" that your builder doesn't meet the expected deadline, then I'd be eyeing up the Barbie :)
Brew a brown now, and a mild later. Milds are great young 'n' fresh! Browns, as Martin says, are good with a little age. Then you've got two entries and bases covered. :)
Well boys and girl, hope you've all got your beers ready I'm about to keg mine. who ever thinks there coming 6th think again I'm actually entering a beer this time (not out hunting) .How is everyone else's brews going? looking forward to trying everyones beers.
Mines alright. Should score 3rd or 4th.


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