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Put up your best Robust Porter Recipe here... It can be Oaked, Flavoured... whatever.

Here's Mine:

Black Beauty
12-B Robust Porter
Date: 5/06/2008

Size: 19.0 L
Efficiency: 73%
Attenuation: 75.2%
Calories: 217.25 kcal per 12 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.065 (1.048 - 1.065)
Terminal Gravity: 1.016 (1.012 - 1.016)
Color: 28.57 (22.00 - 35.00)
Alcohol: 6.44% (4.80% - 6.00%)
Bitterness: 49.9 (25.00 - 50.00)

4 kg Golden Promise Pale
1 kg German Light Munich
.25 kg British Crystal 55°L
.2 kg British Dark Crystal
.1 kg Weyermann Carafa III®
.25 kg British Black Patent
40 g Cascade (8.4%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
20 g Goldings (4.1%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
25 g East Kent Goldings (4.2%) - added during boil, boiled 1 min
1.0 ea Fermentis US-05 Safale US-05

The beer was MASSIVELY AGGRESSIVE. No subtleties here at all. The hop profile was a standout and backed up the malt nicely - I was sad to see it go. It did really well in competition - but didn't get a BIC.

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I've decided RP will be one of my beers for this year. I really like what black malt gives a porter, that burnt, ashy, acrid flavour, and would like to get as much into one as I can without overdoing it.

This recipe looks really similar to JZs. Coincidence or was yours based on his? Just out of curiosity.
To be honest - mine is not based on his.

I did this one nearly 2 years ago, and I only had a look in Brewing Classic Styles 2 months ago - I was looking for a Roggenbier recipe, but I didn't like the look of the one it that book! It may be a bit of a hassle, but why dont you post that JZ Porter recipe up here?
This is what I've entered in beersmith so hopefully there's no mistakes.


76% UKPA
10% Munich
6% Crystal 40
5% Choc Malt
3% Black


EKG bittering
Fuggles 15 mins 21g/22L
EKG 0 mins 21g/22L

Cal ale yeast

67C Mash
I guess great minds think alike!
Oooooooh your head must be as big as JZ's :-P Haha just kidding.
My wifes hats are way too small for my head - is that the same thing?
This may not quite be up to 'robust' status, but it is getting there; hey, it's a porter anyway!

Paradox Porter (US style English porter)

23L brew
OG 1.051
FG 1.014
ABV 4.8-5.0%
IBU 55.5

Marris otter 4.2kg 71.4%
brown malt 0.775kg 13.2%
chocolate malt 0.35kg 6%
crystal malt (90L) 0.56kg 10%

Mashed at 66C for 1.5hr in 15L water (Cambridge tap)

60min boil

40g NZ cascade (7.2%) @ 60min; 20g NZ cascade and 20g NZ golding (4.1%) @ 30min; 25g B saaz [motueka] (6.7%) @ 10min; 15g NZ cascade and 15g NZ golding at whirlpool.

Yeast: 1968 (700mL starter).

Was a bit worried as was a little funky with the hopping schedule, but it tastes pretty good. I like the high IBUs, but I think next time I will keep it down to may be 40 IBUs. I suppose if I do that it will definitely not be that robust at all!


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