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Feijoa Wheat

American Wheat or Rye Beer (6 D)

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 23 l
Boil Time: 90 mins
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Equipment: 48L Pot with 45L Cooler
Efficiency: 70.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 76.8 %

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
3.00 g Calcium Chloride (Mash 60.0 mins) Water Agent 1 -
3.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) Water Agent 2 -
2.54 kg Gladfield Pilsner Malt (3.8 EBC) Grain 3 40.4 %
2.54 kg Gladfield Wheat Malt (4.2 EBC) Grain 4 40.4 %
0.20 kg Gladfield Medium Crystal Malt (110.0 EBC) Grain 5 3.2 %
28.00 g Riwaka [5.70 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 6 30.5 IBUs
0.25 tsp Koppafloc (Boil 10.0 mins) Fining 7 -
1.0 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) [50.28 ml] Yeast 8 -
3.00 kg Fruit - Kiwifruit (0.0 EBC) Adjunct 9 15.9 %

Bitterness: 30.5 IBUs
Est Color: 14.8 EBC

Measured Original Gravity: 1.050 SG
Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 5.2%
Volumes of CO2: 2.4
I had 3kg of feijoa pulp in the freezer. I thawed this in a large pot and mashed it up into a gloopy mess. I added 1 crushed campden tablet to kill any bugs then transferred to a glass carboy. I filled carboy up to the 2L mark with the feijoa and left for 24 hours. I then racked the wheat onto the feijoa up to the 18.5L mark to give it enough headspace for the re-ferment.
I had some wheat left over so thawed an 800g of frozen berries I happened to have(50% strawberry and 50% blackberry) and racked onto that. Amazing to see the differences between the two. Colour, clarity and flavour were so different. Enjoy the feijoa one people.

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PS - that was 3kg of Feijoa not kiwifruit - beersmith didn't have feijoa and I couldn't be bothered adding it on the list.

Cheers Paul. And one of the judges said they couldn't detect any feijoa.
It was the first beer the judges tasted after the dark category so Imperial Stouts etc which might have had something to do with it.

Appearance: Slightly murky with a green tinge :) Thin lasting head

Aroma: Not sure what those judges were on. I got MASSIVE Feijoa hit. 

Taste: Tart feijoa taste. it also lends a touch of sourness, but it seems to work well with the base beer. 

Overall: For me the feijoa slightly overpowers the base beer. Trouble is I don't like feijoa! But if i did i think i would like the beer as it certainly showcases in this beer. Maybe a pale ale base would help balance out the tartness more with its sweetness. 

Thanks for sharing Paul

Cheers Finney, I think if I did it again i would either add more base beer to secondary or a bit less feijoa.

Appearance: Cloudy wheat look, a bit darker than other wheat beers I have tried.

Aroma: Intense Feijoa , no other smells noted

Taste: Sweet & tangy are the initial tastes and then sour and tart all coming through, no lingering bitterness. Also Feijoa.

Mouth Feel: Light to medium body, high carbonation.

Overall , Refreshing Feijoa beer. I think less might be more with Feijoa as the flavour is so strong. I love Feijoas so this beer went down well. 

Cloudy murkey appearance with a big white had. BIG Feijoa aroma. yum. Good carbonation. In tasting, I get big carbonation in my mouth together with that delicious feijoa taste. The feijoa taste lingers right to the end where I get another smack of it.

I've had this one before and do like these wheat beers. All I can say is that I hope you get another laden supply of feijoas this season, and I really look forward to the next round of your feijoa wheat!

Cheers Ross and Dean. I will do a rebrew of this once the feijoas' ripen up.

Cheers forthe beer Paul, thought this would go down well after a 4km run on friday evening. I've for gone the Light Hybrid comp to do my own tasting session of a couple of swap beers, plus its the first weekend since mid february where I havent needed to go to a stag do, a wedding brew a beer. work too hard. etc. etc. so here goes some nice relaxing tasting notes:

Appearance: Cloudy wheat/Feijoa juice colour. Can't see a thing through it, pale yellow colour, to be expected from a what beer like this.

Aroma: Feijoas, thats pretty much what i get all the way through, I didn't tell pip what the beer was and she picked feijoa straight away.

Flavour: More Feijoas. Low malt flavour, which is probably to be expected from the american wheat base.  While this is refreshing and a good beer, the fruit is just a little too dominant. (Ilike feijoas too) If you tone down the fruit, probably by no more than a half kilo, it'll be perfect. Good refreshing beer.

mouthfeel, Good for style, and I'm gonna use a judges words here "Prickly carbonation" Which is perfect,

Overall: Its a tasty beer, and is different from the norm. so thanks for sharing.

Appearance - pale somewhat cloudy beer with good lasting head

aroma - feijoa!!!

taste - feijoa. I LOVE feijoa and this has inspired me to put feijoa in a beer. I heard one judge saying it was like "vomit up your nose" - I think maybe a combo of it being the unlucky first beer after the stouts AND that it seems pretty acidic. Feioa is surprisingly acidic on its own and I think the udge was picking up the acidity.  This has inspired me to make a feijoa beer this year but I am thinking maybe subbing the yeast for one that attenuates a bit less, or upping the mash temp or the crystal to get a bit more sugar against the yeast

mouthfeel - bit acidic but in a feijoa way rather than related to beer way - get the impression the underlying beer was clean as; carbonation excellent

overall - Paul I've been looking foreward to this muchly since hearing your concept; and I am inspired to have a go at something similar.  I love feijoa with spice and ginger and I am thinking same beer but with a wit yeast and a bit of grated ginger.  if I manage something drinkable I'll flick you a bottle :-)


Appearance: cloudy, big fluffy head, dark golden colour

Aroma: massive hit of feijoa

Flavour: Big hit of feijoa up front, wheat comes through in the background. Fair bit of sweetness from the fruit.

Body: Medium body, nice full carb.

Overall: Well made beer, cleanly fermented. This beer really showcases the feijoa. Personally I'd dial back the feijoa if you make this again, I found it a little overwhelming. Awesome beer otherwise.

Cheers Oli. The feijoa's are ripening now so I'll prob do a rebrew but with half the amount.


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