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Hi Guys, Happy New Year!

Hopefully your beers held out and were enjoyed over Christmas.

My stocks are completely depleted, so have put down a couple more brews that will be ready mid Feb. Anyone keen for case swap II around then?

I am sticking with the summer theme with APA’s. (Will look at some autumn brews next).



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Dale, happy to help out where I can - hope new addition to the family all good!
Well have a birthday coming up so thinking about a gathering over easter....you could come sample then!!!! Bubs and family all good thanks don't think I've gone much grey-er yet!!
Dale, should I be doing the sugar drops into the bottles tomorrow???
Hey Adam, Have never used the drops but if that's what you used in the past then go for it. When I ever bottle I bulk prime with dextrose.
Ok so if I have 1kg of brewers sugar - how much into a 23L brew, in case I decide this way is easier. I think it probably is as doing 2 doz 750ml and 9 x 500ml and think that 1 drop which is supposed to do a 330ml is not enough for a 500ml bottle....your thoughts??
I'd bulk prime with 120gm for 23L that's based on the beer sitting at round 16C and CO2 of 2.4 volume
Would love to come down for a case swap, I will endevour to do this at some stage :o)

Man, so need to do epicly long road/beer trip around NZ!! Its calling me!
Bud just hire a camper then you could have your kegs sitting in the back ready to drink at all the great NZ camping sites and also sleep outside of all these pubs/breweries.........................
Crikey thats not a bad idea actually!! Hmmm, would prolly have to do it in winter tho to avoid spending $325761256 on the camper!!

I originally wanted to do something like that for my honeymoon, but couldnt quite convince Nicole haha, guess California will have to do ;oP
Really mate camping is awesome I love it I'm even building a camper from scratch at the mo framing is all welded up now onto the cabinets......

But yeah pick LA or little beaches round NZ I think even I would say LA!!!
Two weeks in the bottle today so ready to crack into one or two today!


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