I've put it on my facebook profile. can't think how to save it. maybe we create a hall of fame for the best quotes. might inspire more creative statements
"using the Monteiths brand as shitty mulch to control the weeds of diversity"... Mate, I just snorted out loud when I read this... Now everyone in the office is looking at me... Absolutely BRILLIANT quote! ... quick, trademark it.
On that note, I know that Mac's definitely used to do a little bit of analysis for a few smaller breweries. Not sure if they still do, or of it was "official", but I was impressed when I heard it (from the small brewery, not from Mac's).
We did a bit from some BrewNZ entries a few years back... to help develop an NZ Pilsner style. A few random other beers of interest were chucked in. The results were fascinating - ABVs, AA%'s, IBU's, EBC. There was one DB beer on there and i remember it was 0.01% off the labelled ABV (e.g. 5.01 instead of 5%). None of the craft beers were within 0.1%.
That's a pretty nicely balanced article from a "real person" perspective. A few factual errors - Green Man didn't walk away, they are legally bound by contract not to challenge it. Other than that, great stuff. :)