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I'm after a double Co2 regulator (3 gauges). So far I've got 2 corny kegs, and a double regulator is the only part I'm having trouble finding. 

I spotted a Dorado regulator on trademe but from what I've seen on the net they are low to medium quality and some people have had problems with them.

The Brew House is getting some in which would be my preference however they reckon it will be a month before they arrive and I don't want to wait that much longer.

Does anyone know where to get reliable / quality double regulators from, or should I try joining to normal regulators together somehow?



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Hi Adam,

Have you moved your co2 bottle outside of the fridge yet? I just ordered a regulator and hose this week (didn't get a reply when I tried Hoshizaki Lancer and only just tried again now I'm starting to move towards doing lots more brewing now I've nearly got a HLT) 

Unfortunately it looks like their prices are going up, now they want $255 for a regulator and a bit over double what you paid for the hose, I managed to get the regulator at the same price as you and the hose just a bit more, though apparently the hose is just once only at that price. Interestingly even though its far cheaper to buy the regulator (from Micromatic) in the states, it looks like it costs double to buy the hose from them (Micromatic in the states locally) than what we paid, so Hoshizaki Lancer might still be worth a try for other people looking at this set-up too.

Have you looked at the best way to get the hose through the fridge wall? I was thinking of using some sort of bulk head, but since my freezer in the keg fridge isn't used much apart from hops (because I can't control it separately from the fridge for fermentation) I was thinking of burrowing down into the freezer for extra keg space which would give the co2 tank a bit more time before it gets booted out, I'l just mount the regulator for now and connect it by hose to the tank

Thanks tilt for the info. I went down the macs valve route. Probably wouldn't have done the manifold system again, as my wallet really really hurts. Looks cool though :) Finished it yesterday. Can pump 400 litres at a time now ha


Mate, what a stonking set up!  I shied away from those connector "blocks" on account of the price but jeez they look the biz!  I hope you had the same good service I got from the Mac Valves folks too.

You'll need a big gas bottle but looks like you're set to run a beer festival in your back yard now.


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