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I have a bit of time on my hands now looking after my young son, Luke, so to filltime I am looking at the possibility of writing a book about the history of New Zealand breweries.


There are a couple of breweries that I need help with, hopeflly someone out there can help.


Edmonds Brewery in Petone, could have also been called Petone Stream brewery,from 1847?

also Amazulu Brewery, was loctated on K'rd Auckland, is not the Malthouse brewery is from late 1980's


But if you have other info on other breweries that would help





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Hi Chris

The Brewery was built and owned by my great G Uncle Caleb Edmonds

I have a fair amount of history now on it


Meri Low

I would like to get some additional info on the former Edmonds Brewery in Petone. I would like to hear from anyone who has additional background information on the start up as well as the demise of this family run operation.  If there are any available sites that you would recommend to further this research that would also be helpful.  Thank you. 


Hi Dennis

I know my Gt Gt Uncle Caleb Edmonds brought out (or had sent out) all the brewery equipment from Wales in 1879. He persuaded his brother my Gt Gt grandfather James Moore Edmonds to go in with him...but within 4 years they were bankrupt

One of Calebs nephews opened and ran a Wanganui pub for many years


Meri Low (nee Edmonds)

Hello Meri, thanks for information, why I'm interested in this is my mother is a edmonds and she lived in Petone, in a place called Ava. Her grandfather came out from Wales in the late 1880's and she told me that he was part of the Brewey, she can recall him saying that he landed at Petone beach and he and his wife, my great great grandmother,  being carried ashore by the Maori's whom lived in that area.. I wonder if we are related.?   Cheers, Dennis.

Oh my...this sounds familiar!!  Do you know much about your family Dennis??  James Moore Edmonds had approx 12 children!!  Some names would help..I have all the family history here



Yes I have quite a  bit of  history on the edmonds, My grandfather was a Norman Edmonds, from Ava, petone. His Parents were John Edmonds, born 12thmay, 1856 in Newport ,Mommouthshire, South Wales. He was married to a Elizabeth Norris, born 21st of February, 1860, and was from a place called Paulton, Somerset, England, Both John and Elizabeth, emmigrated, from london england to New Zealand, 5th July, 1881, on the ship the"Pleione", they arrived at Petone beach, in October ,1881. John was a cobbler by trade, but would give that up and help set up a working Brewery in Petone, supply Ales and Beer to local Inn's and pubs. On the 18th Dec, 1905, he died a sudden death of Apoplexy caused by a large cloth to the bain, He was buried at Karori  Cemetry, in Wellington. Does any of this ring a bell?. My Mother is Bertha Edmonds, whom now lives in Tauranga, she is 86yrs old.

Hi Dennis

Yes we are definately related!!!  I have John listed in the tree..he was either Calebs son?..brother?  Caleb was my GG grandfathers brother..and he is in Karori Cem.  I have spoken to your mum Bertha..and she was going to dig out any papers she had..as I am putting the whole Edmonds family tree together..but she hasnt got back to me.  How exciting is this!!


Yes this is. My email  address is dwadley@rogers.com and I am also on Facebook, Dennis Wadley. I'll talk to my Mum also and see what we can come up with. wow this is exciting, talk to you soon. Regards Dennis.

Thanks Dennis...great stuff..woohooo!!! 

Can you find me on FB..I can see 50+ Dennis Wadleys!!!!  I am Meri Low

Meri if you contact my brother Robert in Hamilton, NZ, at home # 78555467, or moblie # 212213418, he has lots of stuff on the Edmonds, and thanks for contacting me on Facebook, be in touch.Regards Dennis.

many thanks Dennis..will do tonight!




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