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$50+GST / month


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$75 each.

Ex Kenny Beverages I believe.

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At $75, I should almost just get one...
Or four, just do it Herr :o) You will never regret it!
Lol, well it'd effectively be paid for by all you lot as taxpayers :P
If I were to go with kegging, what's the cheapest way? As in, can I get away with one keg, hired CO2, no fridge etc?
In that case I demand you put my tax money to good use and buy one ;o)

You could prolly get away with no fridge, I drunk most of my Rye IPA at room temp and was loving it, specially down your way in winter room temp would be fridge temp wouldnt it ;oP lol
Reviled either you are at work or now have interweb at home....

HS: One is OK, however you will want to ensure you have sufficient turn over in the fermenters to keep a beer "on tap". I started with two, and now have four... two always on tap one or two conditioning.

If you are not chilling your beers, i.e. blacks at room temperature and little CO2 then you would get away without a fridge. Otherwise use your student resourcefulness and get a freebie!
Lol, hit the nail on the head james im at work :*o( Plus if I had the net at home I dont think id have this much spare time :o) baha

Also fully agree with what James says re 1 is never enough! I started out with 2, and had 4 at one stage cos I borrowed 2, and now im back to 2 and its never quite been the same :o( lol


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