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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Yeah, I love that yeast. I brewed a great Saison last year with it. I tried the normal belgian Saison yeast and had all sorts of difficulties, so I've just bought another pack of 3711.
WOW!!!!!! Man I cant wait to brew with it!! Next weekend me thinks!! Cheers again for it Tony!!
Yes, I'm impressed. No worries mike, need to get some up to Mr Joking to next time I'm propagating
My 3711 brew turned out phantastic. I tried the first one last night, which had been in the bottle for only 10 days. Obviously tastes a bit green, but I'm overall very impressed with the yeast. The beer came out very clear, and the attenuation of this strain is great. My recipe was an adapted version of Zainasheff's in Brewing Classic Styles, so had wheat in it too. I can only subscribe to Wyeast's description of the strain. It is the way I like it, not too full-on but still spicy and very smooth. I also had reasonable addition of Pacific Hallertau at flame-out, which has come through nicely.

By the way, word is that Wyeast might make this strain a regular next year.

I can't wait until it's really ready to drink...
Great to hear. I'm planning to brew that recipe with that yeast in the summer when I can stick the fermenter in the conservatory and get the temps right up there.

I'm still working my way through my keg of faux-Saison that I brewed with the standard Belgian Saison yeast. I had to pitch some US-05 to finish it off and it's just a bit lacking in everything. Not unpleasant, but it's turning into a bit of a chore to finish the keg.

If Wyeast make 3711 a regular I'll be a happy man.
Next up
673 Daft Dark Motueka Draft
93% ADM Pils
2% Caramalt
4% Dark Crystal
1% Chocolate
1.038 with 14 IBU Super Alpha bittering and 12 IBU Motueka split between 30,10 and 1 min and 1gm/litre dry hop
Faithfull ol' 05 for yeast

It's not really that dark, more a coppery brown, but I reckon the better the name, the better the beer eh ?
It's not really that dark, more a coppery brown, but I reckon the better the name, the better the beer eh ?

Deffo - my Donkey Oatie stout was awesome!
Does anybody have experience with the Wyeast 3739-PC Flanders Golden Ale strain? I'll use it soon and was wondering how this one is? Anything I should consider? Cheers.
Flanders golden ale? Does that have bugs in it?
No, don't think so. According to their website it's recommended for Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Specialty Ale, Belgian Dubbel, Triple and Quad, Belgian Strong Golden and Dark Ales, Belgian Blonde Ale. I guess that means there aren't any bugs in it.
First brew day in my converted shed today. To christen the new setup I chose to do a re-brew of my Champion Hop-Focussed beer from this year's NHC:

Pale Beauty v2 (NZ Pale Ale)

6.5kg Maris Otter
250g Wheat malt
Mashed at 67 degrees

22g Sticklebract @ 60 mins (part of my prize from NZ Hops)
40g Hallertau Aroma @ 30 mins
40g NZ Cascade @ 15 mins
30g Motueka @ 5 mins
Will be dry-hopping with 30g Riwaka

Yeast is Wyeast 1056 American Ale

It all went fairly smoothly, considering it was the first brew on a new setup. I missed my target pre-boil gravity by 5 points but I didn't adjust anything because I want to see how the system performs end-to-end before I start adjusting. My keggle (converted keg) came up to the boil incredibly quickly and it was a very vigorous boil even with one of the elements shut off, so I think my evaporation rate will need tweaking.

Still, I've now got 21 litres of wort no-chilling in the fermenter (still need to sort out a chiller) and cleaning up didn't take long, so I'm happy. I'll be even happier if the beer turns out anywhere near as good as the original.
Hey Martin, what are you using for elements in the keggle?


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