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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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No I've only brewed 4 or 5 milds in my time... none have been inspired directly by commercial beers. Interestingly, each one has got paler in an effort to increase "malt" character by decreasing "roast". Don't be afraid to keep IBUs and roast very low if you are doing a low gravity mild.

It's an area I'm keen to play around in more. Milds and bitters are definitely the borad styles of beer i like to drink at home, cellar temp and very lowly carbonated.
Don't be afraid to keep IBUs and roast very low if you are doing a low gravity mild.

Interestingly I'm brerwing the next KC rip off at 1.036 instead of the 1.040 it's been turning out at - listening to the system for a change
I'm finding myself reluctant to drop the BU's below 50% though - but maybe the pale choc & black will have enough bite to satisfy
yeh, go low. you know you want to. help balance the hop shortage - do your bit for the environment.
It's 18:36 and no lower
It was 1.036 and it's still only 1.012. It's been 15 to 16C for 2 weeks with the last couple of days at 18C and it's got a thick looking yeast cake on the bottom. I think it's all dropped out early on me. Tasting very malty and not very hoppy, might be good for the style but I'm not so sure I like it. Reckon I'll leave it a few more days, the Welly weather might improve and warm a degree or two more out of it
Green Shoots: A Truely Hoppy and Stimulating American Pale Ale

5.2kg Marris Otter (95%)
300g Crystal 40L (5%)
28g Simcoe @ 30
14g Simcoe @ 20
28g Simcoe @ 15
14g Simcoe @ 10, 5, 0

Estimated OG: 1.052, IBU: 40 and SRM: 6.8

Wondering if ChCh carbonate levels are a tad too high for this @ 52 ppm... but we'll see. Thoughts?
Looks the goods HS, but no dry hop? ;oP lol

Cant comment on the water sorry...
Oh yeah, of course I'll be dry hopping! :P

Recipe changed when we brewed as we didn't have med crystal; so it's a 100% MO/Simcoe SMaSH now. Also hop aa % was screwed up, so hops had to be changed.

Recipe ended up:

5.5kg MO
10g Simcoe @ 30 mins
15g @20, 15, 10, 5 and 0
15-30g dry hopped 10 days.

67c mash, 60 min boil. Beautiful sunny day in ChCh, perfect for brewing outside.
My first AG BIAB session is happening this Sunday afternoon. I have the ingredients on my desk, the office smells a bit like Nelson Sauvign at the moment :)

Nelson Sauvign Summer Ale

4.5kg Maris Otter
.5kg Torrified Wheat
US05 Yeast
90 min mash
90 min boil
15g Nelson Sauvign at 90 min
15g Nelson Sauvign at 80 min
20g Nelson Sauvign at 20 min
Also at 20 min draw off 1 litre from the kettle and add 25gm Nelson hops to it, cover and leave sit somewhere
20g Nelson Sauvign at 5 min
0 min: Add the 1 litre with the hops you put aside back to the kettle and turn the element off.

Looking forward to it.
Whats the reason for adding hops at 80 mins and 90 mins? I'v not seen that before.
The reason is I am following a tried and true recipe given to me by an experienced brewer :) I will start analysing recipes later on, want to get my techniques sorted without changing stuff first.
JR - I think the theory is more bitterness, less flavour, allthough you probably still get similair amounts of flavour from a 60 min addition as you do from a 90 min addition...

Patrick - best of luck to ya for your first BIAB :o) Recipe looks a bit similair to Ross's from craftbrewer?


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