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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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I did this brew and its been 1 week in keg carbing, its dam good beer, (prob my fav brew 2nd only to the maximus clone) really nice bitter, the late  southern cross has a lot going for it!!  I would follow the blog as it states...  i did not co2 flush secondary and kegged vs bottled...   i am going to rebrew If I can say one thing mine is bitter but his has a floral dimension mine does not...   thinking of modifying the late / dry hops adding riwaka in volume and perhaps wai-iti to play against the SC... still reckon you should go as in blog then play... may benifit from a 20g keg hop as well...

Yep fair points. 90 min boil it is. I plan to bottle and don't have Co2 so won't be flushing but apart from that I'll go with his recipe and process. Interesting his obsession with oxidisation. Cheers for the caution.


Had someone come round who is a home brewer, he just tried the pale ale, reckons don't touch recipe be happy just the way it is....    nuts no hops till 15 mins yet its really bitter AND hoppy.  Loving this beer....

8Wired - The big smoke at vulture on tap, damn thats good....    looking for smoked malt now...   

Southern Cross and Willamette
Bamberg Smoked, Gladfield Pale, Crystal, Carafa Special, Black Patent and variables
Wyeast 1272 - All American Ale

Bière de Garage

Bière de Garde à la Garage Project. A French farmhouse or Bière de Garde style beer with a healthy dose of tart cherry added to the beer in conditioning. All natural, no essenses, artificial colours or fake cherry ripe flavours here. Hops definitely take a back seat for a change.

Subtle but complex, with saison yeast spiciness and a cherry tartness we think is quite refreshing and even intriguing.

I reckon this "reeks" of 3711 high temp 25C ferment....        its farmy but not "Cleddis get the truck" farmy...   

I am giving it at 7/10  

Hot Water Brewing - Pale Ale

A generously hopped, aromatic N.Z. Pale Ale using New Zealand grown Cascade, Nelson Sauvin and Riwaka hops.

Balanced with enough malt character from the English pale and caramalt to carry the fruity hop hit.

Aroma of tropical fruit carries through to the flavour which is backed up by a quenching bitterness.

Good beer 8/10    great pale ale.

Bath Ales - Barnsey     A dark bitter

Dark Mahogany


Smokey, butterscotch, oaky


Dry, astringent, roasted

Barnsey is a truly rewarding and enjoyable beer, carefully brewed using a mix of Maris Otter, Chocolate and Crystal malts together with Bramling Cross hops. Barnsey contains wheat and barley malt. 4.5% vol
got it from BLANC west akl, damn its a good bitter....

Last night I enjoyed a Tuatara Black Toasted Malt. Initial sweet malty, then coffee flavour. Nice big American hoppy finish. Lovely stout, I will be trying the chocolate version.

Found this last night, was very impressed with this ale

Grain Bill
4000g Maris Otter 89.9%
200g Crystal (120L) 4.5%
150g Chocolate 3.4%
100g Torrified Wheat 2.2%

60g Bramling Cross 60mins 27.9 IBU
15g Goldings 60mins 5 IBU
10g Bramling Cross 20mins 2.8 IBU
20g Bramling Cross steeped for 30 mins once wort cooled to 80 degrees Celcius.

Yeast was Nottingham.

OG = 1.043
FG = 1.010
ABV = 4.3%
IBU = 35.6
90 minute mash at 66 degrees Celcius
60 minute boil.

BJCP Certified Judge

Tried this one the other day, the bottle looked interesting so I thought I would give it a go.


First time I have tried an authentic British beer so I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised.

Could definitely pick out the lemon and the wheat (although not too overpowering). The head remained to the very last drop.


A celebration of Southern flavours brewed in conjunction with Southern Clams Ltd. The beer has a dark tawny brown head and a subtle creamy roasty aroma with a hint of vanilla and ocean briny characters. Complex dark roasted characters prevail with more briny notes developing as you delve further into the pint glass.

Alcohol:6% ABV

This is a damn fine beer, great after a hard days work.

The Pour House Hahei

While waiting for the tide to go out at hot water beach ysterday ( an eventually hopeless task with a decent onshore swell runing ) my other half suggested we go to the brew pub in Hahei "The Pour House" home of the Corramandal Brewing.   What a great spot, wood fired pizza, fresh mussels and beer.  I got lucky and managed to chat with the brewer and saw the brew house.

This is a clasic case of home brewer grows into commercial brewer.   A really nice guy and very unique brew house.  The HLT/MT and BK are all in one vessel but separate segments of it.  the HLT is the bottom 1/3  of the round tank, with the MT and BK being the top LHS and RHS.   The BH size is around 3-350L from memory and even the fermentors are a little different, looking like a 600L brite tank but having a horizontal separator meaning you can have 300L brewing on top and a different batch brewing underneath.   there where 2 of these so he can have 4 x 300L batches fermenting at one time, perfect for a step up from a garage at home.

Everything is bottled, there are a few kegs but for local bars etc.   I had the Easy rider pale ale , and a good as gold pilsner,  both good beers.  Big glasses of beer $8 pizza about $22 for decent size, the place was packed and it was a thursday night, there wheren't actually many kids around givern school holidays.  HIGHLY recommend planning a night here if doing a loop of the Corramandal,  why not stay do hot water beach, cathedral cove etc and have a few good beers each night.


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