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I've had a go at cutting the top off a keg to make a kettle - see photo attached - with the aim being to try out an all grain 'brew in a bag'. I cut a hole about 30cm diameter to fit an old glass fry pan lid I found as I figured a lid would be needed to help keep a good constant mash temp and keep stuff from falling in. Anyways, will the rim left from the original keg make it difficult to remove the full grain bag after mash? Any advice? Perhaps I need to cut a bigger hole in keg and have a larger lid? Ta

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Hmm, that photo was pretty big, I've tried again same photo but compressed some. Sorry folks, bit new at this!
Hi Selkirk, my keggle has about a 5 - 10mm lip. I then used the left over lid with a bit of wire rack to make a lid. Your bag is not going to come out easy as the grain will now have a bigger surface area than the opening of your keggle.

Good luck!
Yeah you might get a bit of spillage when you try to pull the bag out, because the opening will in turn, squeeze the bag... Its apparantly easier to just cut it flat, but if you dont want to do that, id suggest just pulling the bag out really really slowly...


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