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Hey guys

Allrighty then, I feel that due to all these new BIAB'ers and a few more new to traditional AG in NZ, that an inter island case swap could be the business??

Id like to organise something, so I need an idea of whos keen so I can get numbers sorted, then we can come together and work out a way that this will work... I know it seems daunting, but if the guys in aussie are doing state wide case swaps, theres not much difference in distance between say AKL and ChCh...

So come on guys, put your hands up, hopefully we get a fair bit of interest, id say we need at least 6 people?


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But not the 22nd? Maybe someone could hold your beers for you? Or you could pick them up during the week?
Yeah true, I'll sort something out. Should be good, just siphoned the Honey Ale into a cube/jerry can, hopefuly it turns out well! Now I'm just debating whether to use the s-04 or s-05... and I need to bottle my ESB next... phew, what a lovely brewing day!
Sweet as, that one will definately be interesting! Im looking forward to trying it ;o)

Hard to say what yeast to use, S-04 would give you a more british profile.. US-05 might make the honey and malt stand out a bit more tho... Decisions decisions aye ;oP haha
Yeah, me too!
I was thinking the S-04, but I don't want the honey to be drowned out; it's quite a unique smell :)
I guess the only thing to think about is the US-05 could make everything a bit too overpowering...

If you ferment nice and cool, say 18-19 it shouldnt drown out the honey...
at this stage I'd only be able to contribute 1 style of beer - which I'm just about to keg.
I won't get to brew between now and when I get back from holiday in Aus (end of October).
That beer should be in good nick by then though.
If you are there on 22nd November we can meet then and I'll keep your bottles until you get back from Palmy that is as long as you are coming back! :)

Otherwise Rusty and I will have to sample them purely for quality control purposes.

I'm brewing a celebration lagle (lager ale) this weekend, so will bottle some of it (also my first BIAB so sorry if it sucks....)
Matey, it wont suck, it will be your first BIAB which automattically makes it a thing of beauty :o) Remember you need 4 750ml bottles of each brew...

Put the recipe up bro, im interested :o)
3.5 Pale Malt
550gm Vienna (I'm not 100% sure on this as I didn't see the bag...)
50gm Crystal (not sure which one...)
25gm Hallertau @ 60
25gm Tettnanger @ flameout

US05 @ 18 - 20C (hopefully)
Did you get across to the brewery already mate?
You have mail.
Bumpety bump... ;oP

Allrighty, are we all still keen? nearing the 22nd... Sorta... Ive got all my case swap beers sitting in a box in my shed, waiting, and maturing of course ;oP

Have you all got your beers sorted? Are we all still down for two each? (apart from barry who is exempt)

And if anyone else would like to join who hasnt put up their hand yet, now is the time...


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