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Ok - so this might seem a little weird and PC by my usual standards but in team meetings at work I encourage people to give a quick "barometer" check of their week to see how they are going. It helps people crystallize their thoughts into the essential things that are going on. So I thought I would try it here on the forum.
There are only 3 rules:
1. You must provide an answer when asked as you would in a team meeting at work - if you are lucky enough ;-) (volunteer out of turn - it's fine on a forum);
2. You may have as many highs for the week as you can reasonably think of but at least one is compulsory; and
3. You may have a maximum of only 1 low for the week.

So what are my items this week? Glad you asked....

1. California Lager yeast (Wyeast 2112) - wow, just loving it and the fact that beers take so little time to condition up!
2. Quick disconnects for my gas on my corny kegging system - how did I live before hand. If people want to get you a cheap but valuable present for birthday/father's day/any other reason then get them to buy you a QD's for less than $35.

1. Promising 15L of beer to a friend on Friday 30th May and knowing that you don't have a hope in hell as it's that good it won't last that long! ;-)


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Maui Brewing Co. Hawaii's not that far away.
Hawaii would be West America wouldn't it? :-)

Admittedly their beers Sound Interesting..

Any beers from Stone, Rogue, Alesmith, Brooklyn, Russian River, North Coast.....to name a few
Firestone. One of their sales staff is a kiwi too - Doug Dresser - assume he is still there.
Just seen that beerstore has Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in stock! get it while you can!
I see beerstore don't have James Squire Pilsner. Odd, considering their desire to have the largest range of beer in NZ. Is it really available in New Zealand?

If so, can anyone tell me where it can be pruchased?

If it isn't, then it should not have won best in class at BrewNZ.
I haven't seen it, i checked the foodtown website for it too because i quite like that beer and was dissappointed when woolies stopped stocking it....it wasn't on their website though....
I always found the JS beers to be really tired when I tasted them here, and the Golden Ale wasn't all that hot when I purchased a case in Aus two years ago. However, I purchased a 6-pack of the India Pale Ale in Bundaberg a couple of weeks back and it was close to outstanding. Definitely the most judicious use of hops I've tasted in any 'mainstream' antipodean beer outside of Brewjolais... and it was more bitter than Brewjolais.
- Whole family coming down with the flu
- Still regretting missing out on Emerson's Dunkelweiss

- Going on a sick bed mission to Miramar New World and seeing bottles of Dunkelweiss on the shelf. I had no idea it was going to be bottled.
i know i already did my highs/lows for the week but...

high: getting hold of smokin bishop and emerson's JP today, two bottles of each. makes me happy you can get such quality beer in this country. also - meeting richard emerson at regionals. i think i was a bit star struck if i'm honest!

low: todays hangover. ah well.....price you pay i guess.
Dunkelweiss was bottled but the Weizenbock was not.
I think the Dunkelweiss is a far better drinker.

Hope the family is better Steve. I've just been through it too and it wasn't much fun. I was the only one that didn't come down with it, I'm guessing it'll hit me when I stop working and take a breather.
i was quite disappointed with the weizenbock - too thin, and too clean. i agree with stu about the dunkelweiss.


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