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At long last.

Today the sparky came round and rewired my house switchboard. He also added a 32A supply and caravan outlet for the brewery.

So tonight, after almost a full year of buying up parts, relentless researching, construction, wiring, etc etc etc I fired the Kauri Road Brewery 2.0 into life.

Tonight was just a hot water run, autotuning the HLT PID and running both pumps and all hoses at 80degC.

Only 2 leaks, one at the outlet elbow of one pump (more thread tape required) and at the tap of the mash tun – bloody plastic. If only I'd know they would send me two pumps I would've just started with another stainless pot and false bottom. Alas, gives me something to upgrade to eh!

I had a play with recircing through the counterflow which I'm planning to use as the HERMS heat exchanger. Worked well, be interesting to see how it goes with an actual mash.

Commissioning brew planned for Sunday.


Views: 311

Comment by Darren Wood on December 5, 2014 at 9:46am

I can look at that picture all day. Glorious!


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