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Ok, so, I actually brewed you guys a black ipa, then dropped the carboy full of wort. So... this was the other beer I had going in the right timeframe, and it's a hefeweizen. If any of you are wheat beer haters, I'm sorry.

Brewed this right after coming home from Germany. I confess I've developed a taste for the stuff, as long as it's nice and fresh. 

It's bottle conditioned, should be nice and cloudy :) Might need another week still in the bottle, I'll have a sample on sunday and let you know. Don't let it get too old.

OG 1.058   FG 1.012   ABV 5.5%   15 IBU

50% Gladfield wheat
40% Gladfield pils
10% Munich 1

28g Styrian Goldings @90


Bottle says Jetlag.


PS - Carb is high - 4 vols. pour with caution and if you feel especially hardcore swirl the yeast and dump it in for that banana smoothie look 

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I looked at the fine layer of 1.08 American hopped black wort and broken glass spreading under everything in he garage and went to bed. Took a lot of cleaning up the next day.

After having a taste of this I'd leave it for another week or maybe two.

Might have been a bit early to try this but being a hot day and having just finished mowing the overgrown lawns I couldn't resist. I have to confess I am not experienced with hefeweizens this being the first I have tried but I think that may change after this. 

Could smell banana and a subtle phenolic aroma as soon as I opened the lid. Carbonation was initially high but a few minutes in settled down to a nice thin head that lasted till the end. Nicely balanced bitterness that didn't hide the other subtle flavours. Nice colour and slightly cloudy, I didn't do the banana smoothie thing as I am going to steal the yeast! Noticed the wheat but wouldn't say it was a dominant flavour.

Thanks Richard for a very enjoyable beer.

Cheers mate, would say that you're bang on for timing, had one a couple of days ago and thought it was about right. Make sure you have good temp control on that yeast - too low and you'll lose the banana completely, too high and it's a bubblegum mess.

This was a great hefeweizen, really subtle banana.phenoilics,   I am pretty amazed its 50% wheat Richard, it held that well.

I am seriously going to look into that yeast,  I could have a real session on this beer.

What was your temp profile for fermentation?

Hey, glad you enjoyed it, I pitched at 17.5 and nudged it to 18.5 at the end of primary, waited til the sulphur vanished and bottled.

Hey Richard - I'm not a big fan of Hefeweizens (still developing my palate) but I'll cover off what a friend and I noted last week during a taste session.

Appearance - Carbonation high, cloudy (went for the banana smoothie!) Thin end remained.

Nose - Banana, fruity and sulphury smell.

Taste - Got that banana and wheat taste - a bitter twang at the end.

Thanks Richard for beer (good for me to try something different!)

So I choose the smoothie,  i'm no wheat beer expert but this was a fine example, classic banana and clove aromas, cloudy golden apperance. I do wonder how this would be if it finished a couple of points lower, slightly drier finish maybe, just a curiosity but doesnt detract from a great hefe. Didnt pick that this was 5.5 % when I tried it. Thanks Richard, really enjoyed this

Cheers - I think it finished a bit sweet as well, personally, but I don't want it any thinner - not sure what to do about it, maybe ditch the munich, or switch base malts? any thoughts welcome.


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