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A US Rye Stout that's got some friendly locals in more relaxed dress on the label (hence the name).

Its ready now - brewed it a month ago

BIAB - 5 Gallon-19l (ish) into the fermentor

Pilsner Malt- 2.6kg

Rye Malt - 700g

Crystal Dark - 250g

Black Malt - 250g

Chocolate Rye - 250g

US Perle 30g at 60mins


OG 1041 FG 1005 - ABV 4.8%

Maybe a bit too much black malt - other batches have had a lighter dark colour if you get what I mean.


Views: 214

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cheers Ian - i'll line up a few for you after new years

Damn solid stout 

Pours with fine carb, head that just sits on the surface, just the right level imho.

Great mouthfeel, solid body.  I got  roast/coffee/choc notes.   

This is a great stout, I am going to try some rye in my next stout now.

Thanks Peter - its on a fairly regular rotation now....

First one for me, have been on dark beers all week so seemed a good place to start, this is up there with plenty of the commercial dark brews tried recntly, visitor didnt realise this was a home brew till he had finished, well done duncan. 

Velvety black, midnight, jet black, head thin but lasting

Aroma is toasty burnt choc 

Distinct rye twang and plenty of black malt character.

A great beer, thanks for sharing, agree with your comment regarding the black malt.

Very nice beer Duncan. Great taste and body, haven't had much rye in beers before but it gives this one a really nice point of difference compared to using the typical roasted barely. Really enjoyed this, cheers!

Cheers Matt

Firstly, I finally got the DEmo thing. the beer:

Appearance: Very dark. Took a pretty aggressive pour to get a head, some of which is hanging around nicely.

Aroma: subtle chocolate and roasty/toasty with a bit of earthiness

Taste: Mouthfeel is on the thin side of what I'd want in a stout - maybe mash a little higher? Got a bit of that ashy black malt taste going on (I like it) and yeah, getting more of that earthy/faintly spicy thing - rye or perle? 

Overall: Pretty good man, like this beer. Only thing I'd change is a higher mash to get that body up, or maybe try adding a bit of oats for some silkiness? I could drink quite a bit of it as it is, however!


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