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Its well into 2013 and I can't believe its been so long since the last one.

A great chance to get some feedback on that experimental brew you're wanting to perfect for this year's NHC - or just wallow in the delight of a mixed case from other brewers keen to share the love...

Has anyone else got the hankering to get another CS off the ground?

How's the first weekend in May sound as a swap date?


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Great News! Glad to be involved. Thanks for the heads up Stu.

11 brewers is the last count to help bottling and packing up your boxes fellas. 

Chuck 10 beers into your case and it'll all come together nicely.

Its looking like we'll only need to ship 2 cases this time so costs split across all of us will be pretty minimal too.



Christ !! did I miss out on this one ???


Nah mate - its due to happen next weekend. Wanna get in before too many people bottle and send cases?

damn... I got nothing ready... next time ...

Buggar - enjoyed your beers in the last couple Adrian.  Look forward to next time then.

yeah bro.. will get a nice black IPA done for next time..

Sweet - will try and aim for one towards the end of the year rather than leaving it for a year again.

Hey Tilt. Mine's not in the bottle yet. Is it going to be too young? Should i give a box of me old stash or shall i give the freshly bottled stuff. The old stash is all in glass bottles. The freshly brewed stuff has some tasty ingredients, but it'll need 8 weeks to mature.

That's 8 weeks of conditioning in the bottle.

Hey Max, 8 weeks to bottle condition hey - you've got high standards in your brewery.  Bottle up the new stuff and just chuck in a note with your recipe to leave it for a few weeks.  Try to put at least a few in plastic bottles as its a buggar sending glass in a shipped crate.  If you can stand the wait for feedback it should be fine.   

Cheers Tilt. I don't mind waiting for feedback. This brew is one that just massivly benefits from a slightly longer wait time... mind you... i'm not normally the most patient. I have plastics for the new stuff.. Just not the oldies.


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