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Hi there, newbie on the block here. I have been scanning through the very lengthy thread on growing hops. I am thinking about putting in some hops this coming spring, so I sent off a message to the guy who was selling them on Trademe, it seems he can send down some dormant ones now and will be producing some other varieties later in the year. I am going to order some of the smoothcone now, anyone in Christchurch want to get some as well and save on the postage? I'm thinking of getting back to him pretty soon, in case he runs out.....

See below for the TM exchange:

Hi there, are you likley to be selling any more hops? (like the smoothcone you sold in January?) If so, how much if sent to Christchurch?

Hi there! I still have Smoothcone Hop, the plants are dormant for winter now. So if you don't mind a pot with nothing showing on top except potting mix I am happy to send down, $9.95 per pot (good root system well advanced). Can send via Fastway for $5.70, up to 4 pots to a small box. This spring I will have another couple of varieties available, the Golden Hop and a German variety Hop. Look forward to hearing from you again. Cheers!

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Hey Nick, I am new at the brew thing too so don't feel ready to be growing my own yet but I would be very interested to hear how you get on. Cheers
Hi Tom, at least I'm not the only one! I thought that by the time the hops I hope to plant are actually producing something I might have learnt enough about brewing to be able to do them some justice....
Nick, I have some rhizomes in the ground that I will be happy to split closer to spring if you are interested. I have smoothcone and cascade, which were gifted from other Realbeer members and am happy to "pay it forward" as long my plant has produced enough rhizomes.

I pretty sure there are others in Christchurch, or around NZ willing to do the same.
I've got some cascade & "Kortegast" to share too
That does remind me..... do you have them in CHCH or still on the coast?
Here in ChCh. I've got 100g of dried flowers in the freezer Mick & I harvested when we were over there for Wildfoods, not really sure what to brew with them. Also I've got some vials of 1084 for you still....
Hey do you still have any spare rhizomes? Keen to try a crop this summer. I am in Arrowtown...
Hi James,

That sounds great, if it works out for your plants!
Many of the recipies I am eyeing up also seem to call for Fuggles and Golding, so I will be keeping my eye out for those too.
Is there any way to figure out the AAU's for home grown hops? Or is it a matter of just try it and see what happens?
Hey there, Just curious if you guys wouldn' t mind sharing some of those hops with me? I'm pretty keen to give it a go!
That's how we roll on Realbeer, Tom.
Hi Guys I would be very keen to have a go at propagating some of these boys.
I am also studying a horticulture course at present and need some plants to grow as part of the course.
If you have some spares I'd love to give them a go.
Hey Laurel and Ron,

Well it looks like we are all keen to give the grow your own hops thing a go. I will keep working away at tracking some down. Will let you know when I do. Cheers


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