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Hi everyone


Mangrove Jack's the company I work for are organising a fresh wort night/ brewery tour and drinks that at the Twisted Hop Real Ale Brewery. We are making the Black Hop Hole - Black IPA (should be 6.5%) that you can take home 20 liters of fresh wort plus yeast and (generous amounts of) dry hops. This will have insane amounts of Simcoe, Nelson Sauvin and a bit of Chinook for good measure. Solid bitterness too. So come along and ferment some of this yourself. Only $59.90 for the pack. Beleive me, with the amount of hops we are using that is roughly what it would cost to make the beer yourself at retail ingredient prices. So go to www.freshwortpacks.com and get your pack today. Hope to see you all at the brewery on the night. It should be fun.



Andrew Childs

The Beer Man

Mangrove Jacks

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