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Just got 110 400 ml swing tops on TradeMe for $60... anyone know where I can get some replacement o-rings?


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Choice deal.

Give Brewer's Coop in AK a try, I've seen the whole top assembly there so he may sell the gaskets alone also.
Home Brewed in Hamilton definitely has them. They aren't online though, sorry, but if you have no luck, I can grab some and send them to you.
Right on the way home. Thanks Greig
Oh, you're in the 'tron? Why haven't we met and consumed copious amounts of beer yet? Been to the RCC?
I live in Raglan but work at the Uni here in Hamiltron "city of the future." I like this copius amounts of beer you talk of. What's the RCC? I usually stay in Hamilton late (9pm) on Wednesdays while the missus is at her music class.
The RCC is the Ruakura Campus Club. See the sidebar on www.soba.org.nz for what's on tap there at any given time. I'm always there on Fridays, and sometimes on Thursday.


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