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Hey I was looking on Brewtopia and it looks like theirs is still whole grains? am I wrong? You use already crushed grains for a BIAB brew is that right? Thanks.

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and looking for a Pale Ale grains...what do you recommend? We drink the Monteith's' American pale Ale and really enjoy that. Thanks.

Brewtopia (as with all the suppliers) will mill (crush) the malt if you ask. Here is a good tutorial, along with a good starter recipe for an easy pale ale.

Most of the Web suppliers also sell recipe kits - with all the ingredients you need.


my advice would be to buy and all grain kit from either brewerscoop or all grain, buy a decent kit all grain recipe sorted for you.

These descent kits...come with everything from hops yeast and milled grains? that sounds great, thanks.

These are good - they're how I started out when I went all grain - Did my first five brews trying different ones of theirs and then broke into my own / others recipes. If you ask them for a double crush and do a good mash out you should be able to get 80+% efficiency. The american pale ale pack is pretty much and epic pale ale clone, I'd highly recommend the citra-zythos IPA - I've re-brewed it 3 times now (they give you a full recipe card with each brew so you can go down to your local next time).

Thanks for link, but I already have that one saved to favourites. cheers.

Where do you live? My local home brew store mill my grains (I do BIAB) as well.

In Gisborne mate.

Check out Baylands mate, good pricing and cheap postage. They are the cheapest Ive found, and always helpful, so hit them up for advice too.

They will crush your grain, no worries


A guy a work told me today he just done a brew of Guinness "Clone" beer and I was wondering if this can be done with all-grain BIAB? or are the "clones" only with all-extract brews? Thanks to everyone who has replied big help and plenty of places to look at, appreciate it. Cheers. 

yes its easy and cheap and imho really hard to muck up they say Guinness put a small portion of sour wort back into there batches, know people who have tried this...  but i don't think i would for a first brew...


i would use us05 for this as a beginner

commercial brewers don't use extract, commercial brews are all grain so they can all be cloned....


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