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Here's a thread we can use once a year, and then entirely forget about for the rest of it.

So, when doing your seasonal thing with family and friends, what beers (or other beverages) will make your day complete? Do you have an elaborate drinking ritual? Or do you just slam down a few to feel festive? Tell us what does it for you to enhance your yuletide celebrations.

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I guess I'll start, since I brought it up.

Instead of a champagne brekkie, it's a flute glass of Duvel with a strawberry in it (glass tip to my homey Barry Whiteley for this one). Brunch will be accompanied by something spritzy, tart, and refreshing - I'm thinking a Cantillon Kriek. With Lunch, nothing goes with a traditional xmas feast like a Stonecutter Scotch Ale from the ever-awesome Renaissance. If it's a BBQ style lunch, then there's always Epic Armageddon. Epic features again for post lunch drinks in the sun - Epic Pale Ale is the perfect accompaniment to a game of petanque - something of a tradition with my family. Well, one which started last year and we're keen to continue! As the day turns to evening, it's time for a Pink Elephant Humbug, followed by a well cellared Thomas Hardy's Ale. Perhaps, at the dimming of the day, a reflective and celebratory dram of Caol Isla single malt Scotch whisky.

Oh yeeeeaaaahhhhhh.
I think you're leaving something out there Greig...
Well, if I mention the 750ml of Vicar's Vice, EVERYONE will want one. Damn... ;)
My line up for this year in no order (and most probably having to share with my older brother)....
- Emersons Pils & Bookbinder
- Epic Lager & Mayhem
- Three Boys Pils &Golden
- A Golden Ticket "pilot"
- Soren's RIS
- Tom Ashton's Wiess and Best Bitter (the Ale was mind blowing and a right tongue lashing)
- Alelovers' Bitter (I'm sure it's a bitter, could be a dark as I forgot to label it...)
- Nick T's Yakima Monster
- All the case swap beers..... you know what they are! :)
- My Hop Rocker Clone VI
- My Global Pils I
- My NZ PA I

(Not all consumed on Xmas day of course....)
For me it's a dash of beerstore magic with a solid base of homebrew.
Lost Coast Downtown Brown (beer I've most-wanted to try for a long time now)
Deschutes Porter
Avery IPA
Mirror Pond APA
And one other that escapes me right now.

Kegs of my summer ale, case swap "fluglebinder" bitter, last of the American hops IPA, freshly kegged hoppy porter. Should see my family and I through the day.

If I get a chance to get down to Reviled's place tonight to pick mine up there may be some case swap goodness in there too.

And I might cap the day off with a bottle of Reviled's port stout, can't wait to see how that has shaped up. Cheers for the generosity bro.

Merry Christmas all.
Excellent tip Greig, for the Duvel breakie! I have one in the cellar. I was going for a Moa Harvest breakfast but didn't manage to pick one up. Duvel will have me singing carols on the roof by 8am...

Epic Mayhem
Maresdous Tripel
Karmeliet Tripel
Our Golden Ale
Some case swap
His Majesty (will NOT be shared)
Selection of Pinot Noir and Cab Sav. Unfortunately out of Port.
Got my Moa Harvest so maybe the Duvel can be the New years day morning wake up! :D
Duvel for breakfast...... what an idea.
Christmas will be a bit truncated for me, but it will go something along these lines

Laying a solid foundation with my 4% Bambule Styrian summer ale
followed by some 3 boys wheat & golden ales
Then some Epic Pale Ale, & then
Coopers Sparkling Ale (natch)
along with a bottle of something yet to be purchased from Regionals this afternoon, to round out the day.
Fuller's Vintage 2009 will be left out for Santa. Possibly a Le Pere Jules Cidre too!

Away for a couple of days. I might take Nerdherder 'D' on handpump with me as I accidentally split a bag and had to put it in a corny keg. Oh dear, how sad, nevermind... ;-)

I'll be sure to take a Moa Magnum too, just to double check that Imperial Milk stout theory.

Yesterday I received a nice package from Aus - my second ratebeer swap with 'Highlandlad' (who I've been conversing with for about two years now) - so I'll be drinking a few of these over the break...
Jamieson the Beast
Innis and Gunn Rum Cask
Brew Boys Maiden Ale
Brew Boys Seeing Double
Holgate Hopinator
A couple of others...

Will try to get around a couple of the local bars between xmas and new year to see what's happening. I love Wellington at this time of the year, so quiet.

Then it'll be into the case swap beers in the new year.
I love Wellington at this time of the year, so quiet.

Dead right - dead quiet - dead good
Go anywhere, do anything, park anywhere, no crowd, no queue, no problem
Great place to be
Due to logistical difficulities (ie, me not sorting anything) most/all of my Xmas day drinking will be homebrew

For the morning - Golden Ticket Pilot B - not the finished recipe but softly drinkable
For the afternoon - my Anton Roggen Rye Pale Ale. Lots of Simcoe and Amarillo
For the evening - taking a swappa crate round to a friends to share the Singles Night, a Gladfields Pale/Motueka SMaSH
most/all of my Xmas day drinking will be homebrew

There's nothing better !

I have a fresh keg of mild, kegged on Tuesday night, still at ambient.
It'll be fresh, flat, warm & fruity all day long

Then if the day warms up I'll pour from the fridge


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