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Times are tough I have no grain, just a crusty old coopers real ale kit dated 2004, which i was given the other week.
 I never thought I would do this let alone use a kit beer again but has anyone used a very old can of malt before and got drinkable results? ive got lots of hops and fresh wyeast smackpack, I intend to boil it in the kettle add alot of flavour hops, should I do it?

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If the choice is thirst - do it !
In the book 'Radical Brewing' by Randy Mosher, he speaks very badly of old malt extract, saying it gives a 'ballpoint pen ink' flavour and aroma. I seem to recall he was saying avoid extract that's over about one year old. So I'd imagine that 6 year old malt extract would potentially be not too good. Then again, it could be allright. I'd say open the can, give it a sniff, give it a taste, and see if you think it's worth proceeding further.
Is the can bulging at all? I have a 07 expiry can of cascade lager kit and the ends of the can are bulging a little I was going to take mine to the end of the street and throw it at the first ford to come past!! LOL!!
Nah no bulge, so its still clean.
You wont be able to taste ballpoint pen past all the hops i intend to use, and im not that fussy anyway.
Hi Jt, long time! yeh its thirst, so I,ll do it! cheers for the encouragement :)
I did that cooper lager & 2 kg of grain - but with the kit yeast
A once in a lifetime experiment - hey mash some weetbix too Dan !
Yep, biff up would be my suggestion.
Personally, I'd biff it and go buy a fresh can. I reckon old malt in a liquid form is the main cause of what I call the good-old home-brew twang. I'm sure the malt won't be off, but oxidisation is reportedly accelerated in a liquid form. 6-8 years is a long time. To avoid this issue (with fairly good reflective results) I used to ensure the can always had 1+ years to go on the expiry.

Life's too short to drink beer you're not enjoying.
Life's too short to drink beer you're not enjoying.

And it's a long life without beer.

Do the pantry over Dan, get all the mashable grain and cereal out and spruce it up a bit
Right on! Jt. good idea, i,ll stop at the coco pops though ;)
If I had money to buy ingredients Craig i would buy some maris otter, maybe next week! havent brewed in quite a while.
Got lots of homegrown to throw in, and wont be using sugar, so the twang may not be too bad.
Alright kettles on, its all go!
Throw the coco-pops in if you're considering a chocolate stout
Go for it.
Make a 5L batch of barleywine, it'll be pre-oxidised!
For a start the kit malt is pre-hopped so go easy on the extra hops !
Pac-n-save sell tins of maltexo malt for $8.30 or free if you can run fast enough !
But don't get the one with fish oil unless you are planning on a cold and flu prevention while you drink.
As far as kits go, I think thats real lazy and over priced beer.
A mate always brews kits and they always have little or no head and taste on the edge of being vinegar.
Have you thought of busking with a sign saying " Help me feed my home brewing habit".
Pam Corkery has an 'opening or two' at her new women's brothel?
A good set of beer goggles a definite advantage


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