I'm sure the head barman there told us at the beer fest they were a nothing sort of hop. One of those appearance,rather than flavour hop. One of the other Chch boys might recall better than I do.
or, plan b. Go next year round harvest time, take the hops. Brew something harvesty and try and guess the hop flavour (assuming there is one)
Shot fellas I figured it may be a mystery
I may have ended up with a cutting of
the afformentioned plant which is doing quite well just tryna decide if its worth
growing Maybe plan B is the answer?
I always wondered what the ones growing behind the Monteiths Brewery in Greymouth were. I snipped off a cutting hoping to grow it, but it didn't survive. :(
Hey Chris, I asked the brewer at the hop about the hops out front for ya. He said they were some unknown wild hop with no real variety. Apparently he used them in an IPA last year and they were a bit lacklustre.
That raspbiery porter was something different though.