Look for a bottle with the whitest looking yeast in there. There is heaps of information on the net about how to culture yeast, but John Palmers "How to brew" is the definative way to do it. In a section of his book (which is online) he ingeniously recommends putting wort stright into the bottle before putting tin foil on the top. Then you pitch this (once it has been fermenting) into a 2 Litre starter solution.
Can we get wheat extract here? I'm pretty sure Weyermanns do a wheat extract (unhopped), $46 a pop though but that's enough for one 20 - 23L batch I think.
Agree with that fermentation temperature - most recipes out there will go down well if fermented like that.
Ally - if your boss is a real German, you want to go 50% Light Munich and 50% Wheat and ferment like Denimglen Suggests with those strains - you'll blow him away!
Nah - I can read that shit! I'm half dutch - and a lot of that is the same, well similar anyway.
I read that link on the Northen Brewer forum. Those guys are clueless... a couple of cones at the start of the boil and less than 1 IBU - that is crap. Schneider Weisse is 15 -17 IBU without doubt. "They drink the beer so young that the hops dont come into play".
Go for it dude - that's one way to ruin a batch!
That .07g of hopfen will be 100% iso alpha extract from Hallertauer Mittelfruh hops.
Haha awesome, I google-translated that shit ages ago, some words didn't come out but managed to get the gist of it. Can kinda read it without translating anyways.
Awesome, haven't read that NB page on the discussion since I first found the recipe, gonna go back and read it now.