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Do people here have a general preference of thermometer type? Bog standard, electric or infrared? Am sick of breaking grass ones, looking at something a bit more durable

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Depends on the use.

Infared are generally shitty for brewing as they'll only measure surface temperature.

Other than that anything that can be calibrated is fine.

I have mashmaster dial thermos on my vessels and check them every now and then, no dramas.

I have a DSE digital that I know reads 0.8C to high over the freezing to boiling range.

It's still worth having a reliable glass liquid thermometer to use to calibrate your other thermometers.
Mostly for mashing, but for everything in between as well. Shame infrared is no good, that would make life easier!
In that case I'd go for the best digital one you can afford, try and get a waterproof one too, no dramas with dropping it the mash accidentally then.
I've got a digital food spike/probe thermometer, about $20-30, from Southern hospitality or DS.
Choice, thanks fullas will check out DS


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