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Hey guys, I have some questions about my fermenter, it's warm. I went off the Heat Pad instructions not to use the heat pad in first 24 hours so I didn't well, just about a few hours earlier it was very cold so put it on. I also used pillow 3 with a bung cord around them around the fermenter. This morning it felt very warm so I turned heat pad off, at 4 when I got home checked it and it still warm, I have been told that the fermentation process will generate some heat, but not 100% on how accurate that will be so I am going to turn on heat pad tonight with no pillows it's a wet cold night so should be ok? the temp on the side is useless I think. I want to get a STC-1000 and hook that to the fermenter and heat pad, good idea? anyone have one for sale all ready to use? Thanks guys.


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Get some terminal blocks.  Tape is not very safe on wound together wires.

A hobby box with rigid sides makes it easier to mount the device.

Those orange slides are to help mount the device into place.  They are not super rigid!

Using it is easy.  There are only 4 parameters F1, F2, F3, F4

F1 is where you set the temp and the others are fine on default.

OK cheers mate I'll get some terminal blocks and tried to find a hobby box but no luck and thought why not just use my lunch box that'll work and in fact was watching a You Tube video and that was exactly what he did too. Cheers mate. really stoked that I got it to work though!!!

Hey mate got the terminal blocks, good tip and made a hobby box from one of the kids old lunch boxes!!! here's photos...



Stoked, it looks much safer and can't fall off the water container I had it propped up on. Works very well, so I am hopeful now of a good batch of Beer!!!

Checked my fermenter temp with the STC-1000 sensor taped to the side and it read 22C so I removed the pillows I had bungy corded around them, and have the heat pad strapped to fermenter side not underneath, will go out around 7.30pm tonight and see if it made a difference, it is meant to be around the 18-20C mark hop it's alright??

What temp have you set the STC to?

You cant set 18-20! It needs to be a number ..eg 19 degrees.

Then you set the range (F2) to something like  0.5 degrees.  That is the amount either side of the temperature that turns on and off  either heat or cooling (if you had it)

It takes a while for the temperatures to sort them selves.  Liquid holds temperature for a long time. ie  It drops and raises slowly with the heat pad or the ambient temps.

My STC will precisely hold the temp in the ranges set.

Currently it controlling fermentation at 23 degrees ( an ale)  plus or minus 0.3 degrees on a heat pad only...and the ambient is 13- 15 degrees.  I have a thermal wrap on the keg.

Mine is an APA and says 18-20C why is yours at 23C? I haven't set my STC yet was just checking it's current temp, I have a bit more tweeking to do on unit like change my connections from just being taped to using terminal connectors. I havent worked out yet how to use unit yet?? got a quick tip to set it? the F! and how to find it and set 19C please! 

Do I just plug my heat pad in to the female plug I fitted to the STC in the Heat Plug and then set it?

Done it mate all set for 19C at 0.5C (whatever that's called). But why is your "ale" at 23C? cheers mate.

All yeasts and brews have different fermenting temps.

The yeast has the ideal temp range written on the package.

Currently I am doing an Irish Red Ale.

The Nottingham Yeast specifies 23 degrees

Do I just plug my heat pad in to the female plug I fitted to the STC in the Heat Plug and then set it?  YES. as long as it its on the heat side of the circuit.

Last night was the first time u used my STC and set it for 19C and this morning it was 12.2C what happened? Air temp in garage was 5C and we had a overnight low of -1 so if my beer ok at 12.2C it's going back up to 19C now I hope check it when I get home it's been fermenting for ten days

Was the little heating light on when it was 12c. If so its just the heater/insulation not being enough to compete with the -1c ambient temp.

Don't think so, is that the bottom left positio? If it was suppose to be what is wrong? The website I followed said he had done the opposite but still worked having the cool and heat in the opposite places?? Have you heard of that? Could you check that link I posted that does the step by step instructions. Cheers mate appreciate it.


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