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The start of my brewing empire-wiring a brewmate controller

I've read heaps of useful info on the forum and decided to improve quality of my brew so I bought a BrewMate Dual Digital Temperature Controller from mashmaster with the probe that goes in the beer.
I’ve wired it up. There’s power to the unit. The temperature sensor is working fine. I can hear the relay switch in the box “click” after 3 minutes and cool light becomes solid. But it doesn’t turn on the freezer that is wired to it. Have i stuffed up the wiring?? Yellow wire is power in, grey wire is the probe. Junction box is a food storage container box - cheeper than an electrical box at the wholesalers ($50). Although a bit flimsy after you cut the holes. Any comments appreciated. cheers paul

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I may sound precious here, but get somebody local with an Electrical Qualification to advise and wire these things up. It's as simple as that!


Electric Shock, Fire, Smoking the controller, No Insurance payout!!! All these risks are real and evident in the the pic shown.


Not what any Brewer wants or needs!! 


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