A while back (April this year) I went to the Monteiths Brewery in Greymouth for the second time (quite a fan). Kind of behind the building I stumbled upon a hop plant growing out of a wooden barrel, smothered in hops so naturally I took a cutting. I know it normally takes two years before you get hops growing on the plant but I got it for a memento. I have no idea what kind of hop it could be but decided to try and grow it. So I drove back to Picton when my holiday ended and got on a ferry with it back to Wellington. It didn't survive. It went brown and dry after two months of being in a jar of water by the window sill - to be expected really I guess. I know nothing about growing any kind of plant other than it needs soil, water and sunlight. So my girlfriend stuck it in a pot and decided that if it would grow it would and if not it wouldn't. We pretty much forgot about it until today when I saw it and noticed that not only is it alive but it appears to be thriving! So I'm very pleased.
Anyone have any ideas as to what kind of hop species it could be?