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Mangrove Jacks new all grain unit - its nice

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I have another guy with a Grainfather keen for an evening brewup Mark, so maybe we could do a night in my carport with daylight savings now, say start at 430pm etc etc...  I want to get a 40L stout down this week (or a pils as have most of a sack of pils malt that needs using) ....   I am finding that carboys sitting on my garage floor slab are sitting well at about 16-17C , great for clean ferments without a fridge.

My immersion would not fit into the grainfather, the coils are too big... but I do have a 50L plastic fermenter I could chill to 2C for your counterflow be a good test, I am willing to bet that it chills the wort too much for an ale pitch...

Yeah I'm keen for a carport session. One thing I found brewing in my carport yesterday is a normal power multibox doesn't like grainfather plus urn, kept popping. I didnt have two long extension cords so heated the urn in the kitchen and lugged out to the carport. I havent organised any grains for this imperial stout yet. What night were you thinking?

mmmm   I have two long long extensions that can get to 2 plug points, I think we have 4 circuits to give us 4 hot points.  The little multibox things pop all the time.  let me email the other party and see when free, I could brew in kegs over gas which would ease the power issue as I normally use 2 power points for the 50L pot.

I had a look at the chiller and it looks tiny. I'm really tempted to get a grain father once all the issues have been sorted out, but if I do I'll either be sticking to my own immersion chiller or getting a third party counterflow. I did hear they were going to be selling the Grain Father for $750ish without the chiller but I haven't seen it at that price anywhere. If I could get one for that I'd buy it today!

$750 without the chiller? I highly doubt the chiller is that expensive... I can't see them dropping $200 off the price to not include the chiller. 

It was a while ago that I saw that. A decent counterflow is $250-300 anyway so wouldn't surprise me. I've asked on the page but I doubt they will be going down that road now as they can't help you troubleshoot if it's not their one.

Reply from the FB page - they no longer have any plans to sell them separately.

Which is a shame because it would seem that the chiller that comes with the unit could be a little better. You should be able to recirc back to the Grainfather and chill within a reasonable time. 

Did you have a crack at whirlpooling?

I haven't managed to get it working with the pumped wort. Would have to be with the paddle I imagine. I guess this would disperse heat.

Hi Mark,

Are you chilling back into the GF or into the fermentation barrel?

I got my GF last week and have done two brews over the weekend.

I had no problem chilling into the barrel at 20C using the counter flow.

I did try cooling it back into the GF but it took a long time to even drop the temp a couple of points.

Evidently the hot thermal mass of the GF and wort will make this a tough ask.

I didn't bother whirlpooling as I read you need to chill the wort while it is whirpooling for it to work.

I just pumped my hot wort through the chiller into the barrel - I use a sieve in the barrel mouth to filter the trub that comes through but it seems to run clear after a minute. The wort seemed ok clarity wise but won't really know until it has fermented. A sieve with a spoon in it under the hose to make the wort splash and aerate seem to work well. Yeast started well so will see how it goes.

Found the GF to be really good. My chiller leaks so will contact iMake and see what to do. The top filter moved (tilted)  on the first brew while mashing so had a bit of extra grain in my boil - used a sieve to get most of it out. Took me way longer than I thought - 6.5 hours on the first brew and a little less on the second run (although that used a 90min mash and boil)  including setup and cleaning (which takes a while).

Did the second brew outside under cover and did find the GF took a lot longer to get up to boil temp with a light breeze and lower ambient temp.


David I am chilling back into the GF first as I didn't do this on my first brew and again struggled to get pitching temp. Dropped to about 55 even with outflow valve buttoned off to get more cooling, then into fermenter. I think you are right its not only the wort but the thermal mass of the GF. I am going to borrow my mates plate chiller and try it. That drops to 16c no problem. I completely agree that the GF is sensitive to breeze. First one indoors very quick to get to boil, second in carport much longer and got of the HH boil setting a few times and down to 99. Which is a pain because you need to push the set button to shut it up.

Has anyone tried some sort of insulation for outdoors. I've wondered whether those silver car windscreen shields would work or a camping mat or both.


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