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I'm thinking of bringing a container back from the States. I'm looking to fill up it up with things I can sell here.

Does anyone have ideas/suggestions as to homebrew equipment that is hard to get in NZ or is just outrageously expensive?


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Checking on quantity pricing. Best I've seen is 180U$D for 230V model. I use two of the 110V models on my rig and love them.
You can already get March pumps in NZ. I got a quote from Chris Humphries @ www.pumpmachinery.co.nz. $278 + GST for 809-PL-HS 230V, 50 Hz in line version. There were some hand pumps on Trademe a while back for about $500 for 2 pumps I think. They still haven't sold.
One thing I've noticed is Kiwi's love homebrewing, but don't like paying for the gear. Sorry guys:P
That does lead to some freaking cool ingenuity though. Some guys on here would happily rip up the old ladies washing machine before paying for a March pump ;)
She wasn't using it!
CO2 tanks
I'll be in for a decent grain mill as well. The one jamis suggests looks good but are their better options? What would be the damage on a 50-100 litre lauter tun? Wedge wire prefered but a stainless screen would do if well made.
Check out Blichmann's Boilermaker kettles with his button false bottoms.
http://www.blichmannengineering.com/ I haven't seen wedgewire in any of the small systems, usually just perf SS. Here's a cutaway view of the Blichmann FB.

2nd the above kettles..Found one shop in OZ that sells them / retails.. Postage is almost as much as the bloody pot...Utter shite unfortunately ! They are the ultimate brewing bling to me (for now) :) That changed weekly !
I am in the states for a couple years. I have found that the CO2 tanks have a different connection than the ones in NZ. I would be cautious about buying a US one if I were you.
I did some checking with the local CO2 company. Not only is the reg connection different, but the valve thread to the cylinder is different as well. Add to that the requirement for third party inspection for NZ certification. Bringing cylinders in may be a full-time career in itself.
I can confirm this. When we brought our scuba tanks over in our move from the states, the tanks turned out to be a major pain.
While I love the idea of Amarillo hops and yeast, I would check with MAF on import regulations. I will say that my 5 gal pot from the states is sweet. Way better quality and almost free compared to the offerings here.
What I really want is a 8quart cast iron press. It has a sausage stuffer adapter, but can be used to make wine, cheese, cider.... found on ebay:http://bit.ly/c3miQ2 but it's way too heavy to try to bring back with me.
you can buy a CO2 tank, filled, in the UK for 16 quid. The price here is extortion. Oh and the connector is the same as here...
Here's some random ideas:

Glass Carboys, Better Bottles, Grain mills, Stainless steel false bottoms and hop strainers, keg taps, temperature controllers, plate chillers, refractometers, brewstands...blimey plenty

I'd be interested in a refractometer and some kind of hop strainer and a bigger sparge arm.


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