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Hey guys I have had very stubborn krausen's that just won't sink, what the heck! it would seem that on the internet they are saying that using the yeast US05 is what could be casing it......last one was there for 3 weeks ad I ended up doing a cold crash, but dry hopping with one is a problem too. gravity is pretty good 2 points off, but apparently they stick around anyway, so has anyone else had this problem with their US05 or is there something that I can do to avoid this from happening again? advice please...



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It's been 12 days today, I gave it a swirl and it broke up but didn't sink, so I dry hopped it between cracks in it and gave it another swirl so they are under the krausen now.

12 days seems a long time too, the hops will pass through the top layer and do their job, what temp are you fermenting at and is it staying steady or fluctuating heavily?

As I was advised by Peter to ferment for 5 days at 18C then ramp it up to 20C did that, and gravity has been checked out and 1st one after 7 days was 1.018 next on 9 days was 1.016 and at 11 days was 1.014 so today I thought it was time to dry hop and to find this krausen was a bit disappointing as it a thick one too, like last time. temp stays consistent and constant at the temp I select with my fridge and STC.

I personally have never had any issues when using US05, it's a pretty popular yeast .... What exactly is happening and at what stages? I assume you are dry hopping once the ferm has ceased and the gravity has stabilised? 3 weeks seems a long time for a brew to be in the fermenter?? Are you brewing 23L batches? Are you getting good aggressive airlock activity within 12 hours of putting the brew down? Are you aerating the wort before pitching yeast?

I usually throw 2 us05's when brewing apa's and ipa's these days and rehydrate the dry yeast first but in saying that never had an issue with single dry yeast drops in the past?

As you will probably know, in the brewing world there are a million and one ways to f@ck a brew up unless the brew and ferm temps are consistent and steady however the beer is still perfectly drinkable to the Brewer himself!


I try to brew 23L batches, I think I got about 21L this time. very good airlock bubbles yes in 12 hours yes aerating the wort before pitching and after too, a good shake up. peter says it's all good for a 3 week ferment if your like cold crashing last week. My first brew I did a 4 week fermentation and that's why I am trying to do it in less time, this time. I only use 1 packet of US05 dry yeast for it, do you think I'm under-pitching? so day 12 dry hopped and temp is at 20C. My "plan" is to let it dry hop for a few days before cold crashing. Cheers Max.

Do you rehydrate your yeast? If you don't 50% of your yeast will die as it hits the wort, this would effectively give you a 50% under pitch which may explain your issues
No I haven't rehydrated my yeast, so that would be worth trying how do I do this with dry packet of US05 yeast mate?

Definitely worth it. You'll need to look it up but off the top of my head you need to soak it in around 100 ml of water at 30 degrees for about half an hour. You then stir/whip it into a foamy cream with a fork and pitch.

Sometimes if I'm doing a higher alcohol beer or want to have it ready faster I even use two packs re-hydrated, if you ever do a IIPA you'll probably need 3+. Start with one re-hydrated tho - should make a big difference.

Personally I have never had a beer yet that has taken longer than a week to reach final gravity (not to say that beers cant take that long) I think doubling the yeast will be better and if you can, give rehydration a shot as it certainly makes a difference!

There are plenty of useful websites with info regarding rehydration of yeast, i use this one


The process sounds complicated but I assure you it isn't and the results are definitely recognisable!

Thanks Max, I think you two guys hopefully have cracked it! definitely giving that a go, You know it's a bugger when you put so much time and effort in to doing your brewing etc.. just to have this road-block happen. mash temp only dropped by 0.6C over 60mins so thought she was going to be the one. All good only done a total of 3 brews under my belt, learning all the time eh/.

We are always learning! that is the fun part! It will all iron out eventually ...... Mark my words!

I bought one of these kits http://www.brewshop.co.nz/brewing-other/yeast-starter-kit.html, made a stir plate from an old PC power supply and now make starters for everything I brew. 

So far everything seems to ferment really quickly. Also going to start using it to cultivate yeast, so I could save money on yeast in the future.


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