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$50+GST / month


The quintessential new US hop variety. I'm getting in 5kgs of this stuff - and I need to fill the order out. I'll be up for 1.5kgs myself, so that leaves 3.5kgs open for the rest of y'all. FIRST IN FIRST SERVED. It's going to be (depending on the exchange rate) around $100 per kilo - probably slightly less... it depends on the exchange rate.

State your interest - this needs to be closed by Saturday morning.

Minimum order of 500gms please.

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So true. I just put 250g into the boil of my RyePA. I'm still dry hopping it too.
I was amazed at the amount of hop aroma and flavour I got from less than 200g of hops all up in my Tasty APA. Maybe it's all about the layering?
Just another update:

The ship is due to arrive around the 18th of July, and everything should be cleared sometime around the 22nd. When I find out what the final price is (this is after Customs whacks some GST on the NZ$ value of the hops) I'll contact you all with a final price including freight to your doors.


P.S... This gives plenty of time to knock an IPA up for the next WBC competition... Geez... the lengths I go to for this little get together... ;-)
Well, thats half of everyone paid up - if you know your in this, check your realbeer inbox.

If you missed out this turn around, use this discussion to either express your interest or suggest any variety from thi USA that interests you. Chinook? Cascade? You name it. Just remember that every amount needs to be in 5kg denominations.

I'd be up for something (pretty much anything) next time round.
Yep me too!!!!!!
count me in
A quick update for you ladies...

The hops are oficially in the post as of 11am this morning. I'll get the tracking numbers out to y'all later on tonight, and the majority of yooz fullaz should recieve them tomorrow. Tyler has his lot already - Denim and Studio will hook up with Tyler at the BoQ 2morrowz.

Hit me up for any recipe advise with this stuff - I have a few ripp3rz involving Simcoe that will imprees most p33pz.

Now onto brewing a big black belgian bretty bitter beer with Simcoe.... or not...

By the way... Massive ups have to go out to my lovely wife for Driving all the way up to Auckland to pick these up, then weigh them out, package them up into groups and then delivering them this morning... She really is the best assistant brewer in Taranaki. I dont think I pay her enough.
"Now onto brewing a big black belgian bretty bitter beer with Simcoe.... or not..."

I've been thinking about dryhopping 5L of my Flanders on Simcoe and Amarillo.

I believe Cantillon dryhop one of there sours with Amarillo...got me thinking...
What a top lady give her a pay rise for sure!
Hops have arrived come grab them!!
Sweet are you at work ?


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